We open Week 14 with a funeral for D'justin Barksdale.
D'justin's mother, Brianna Barksdale is seen crying,
Kenneth Bell consoles her.
The entire projects is out honoring the late D'justin Barksdale, including his former Fantasy Players, Julio Jones and Devonta Freeman.
Prop Vinny has made it out to the South Side to attend the funeral.
Prop Vinny
I'm sorry for the loss.
I know this isn't the time or the place,
but I got a proposition for you.
Kenneth Bell
I'm listening.
Prop Vinny
Well it's no secret that the SCGD unit kicked everyone's ass this season.
They all in the playoffs while we sitting in the consolation.
That's their MO, divide and conquer.
Shouldn't we have a league of our own?
Shouldn't we band together as a unit and protect one another from the police?
Kenneth Bell
We tried your Co-Op shit already.
Prop Vinny
Yeah, but it never got off the ground.
Jesse is gonna be the box for a while...
You'll needed additional support to get back on the ground running.
If Marlo Stealthy gets in the fold, nothing they can do to stop us.
I know you know how well that blue meth sold when we was selling it.
I got one last shipment left and you still got all the territory.
Now the last shipment won't last, but once The Greeks get back on their feet,
we'll be back out there in no time.
Kenneth Bell
We'll talk next season.
After the funeral, Kenneth Bell returns to the East Bay.
Kenneth Bell
There's the other half.
Oakland Drug Dealer
Everything all good on the inside?
They saying the boy hung his own self right?
Kenneth Bell
Seems so.
Oakland Drug Dealer
I told you, my cousin work clean.
I know it ain't none of my business or anything,
but did Jesse even know about it?
Kenneth Bell
You're right.
It ain't none of your business.
With the regular season drawing to a close, six Fantasy Managers remain.
The home stretch to another chapter in the West Coast Cousins is upon us with FantasyMania just 4 nights away.
A lone wolf rebel who plays by his own rules,
a sassy 2x League Champion determined to show she will once again be the last woman standing,
the WCC veteran longing for a Championship title win,
the Brahma Bull hoping to finally make it to the promise land,
a 3x League Champion hoping to regain the success of his early days,
and the former inactive looking to make his FantasyMania debut.
[1] 281-330-8004 (9-4)
[2] Better than the 9ers (9-4)
[3] Minh's Team (7-6)
[4] #7tormsComing (7-6)
[5] Covfefe (6-7)
[6] Howard's Team (6-7)
A season dominated by the SCGD unit, all 4 Seattle Cousins have clinched a playoff spot, 2 of which are former Champions in Det. Tai and Det. Joyce.
The two will look to keep the Circle of Champions in tact.
The remaining Fantasy Managers, Victor Oumar, has earned himself a first round bye.
And The Baugh of the Mustang's finds himself in a peculiar situation.
The Baugh
Alright listen up, we have everyone in the SCGD unit here and I have an announcement to make.
Over the weekend, we discovered several bodies inside the vacant row houses in the Tenderloin.
We believe the man responsible is Marlo Stealthy.
So in the next few weeks, we are shifting our focus to Marlo Stealthy.
The Baugh
Excuse me?
Det. Tai
You heard me.
We should have never gone after Rocksonberg,
he was never a threat.
He was always in last place.
We shouldn't have listened to you, we would've arrested Bell and put Barksdale away for a lot longer.
And now you want us to shift focus onto Marlo Stealthy?
No. As long as Kenneth Bell is still out there and we still have our Waiver Wires up, we need to pull all of our resources into catching the son of a bitch.
Det. Howard
Hey guys...
We raided Rocksonberg's compound and I found this...
Det. Minh
What is it?

The Baugh
It's the WCC Championship title.
It belongs to Shane McMahon and the WCC Universe.
As a former WCC Superstar, I think I should hold onto this.

Det. Tai
No, no, no. Fuck that.
We are done taking orders from you.

Det. Joyce
I'll hold onto it.
I am the highest ranked Fantasy Manager in the room.
Det. Tai
Hold your fucking horses.. we never-

Coach Rockson
Like children fighting over toys.
Except... that right there, is certainly no toy.
You have no idea what you're dealing with, do you?
Coach Rockson
Our mutual friend, Mr. Nobody, sent me.
The name's Rockson.
Coach Rockson.
And that right there, is not just a WCC Championship title.
I'm afraid it is something far more dangerous.
That shiny belt right there, is what we know as a Fantasy Stone.
And right now, you five Fantasy Managers need to stick together.
Remain a team.
Work together to make sure the Fantasy Stone doesn't fall into the wrong hands.
Det. Minh
Well, we can't keep it here.
We need to bring it somewhere safe.
Bring it to someone who can protect it.
The Baugh
I know someone.
A season dominated by the SCGD unit, all 4 Seattle Cousins have clinched a playoff spot, 2 of which are former Champions in Det. Tai and Det. Joyce.
The two will look to keep the Circle of Champions in tact.
The remaining Fantasy Managers, Victor Oumar, has earned himself a first round bye.
And The Baugh of the Mustang's finds himself in a peculiar situation.
Alright listen up, we have everyone in the SCGD unit here and I have an announcement to make.
Over the weekend, we discovered several bodies inside the vacant row houses in the Tenderloin.
We believe the man responsible is Marlo Stealthy.
So in the next few weeks, we are shifting our focus to Marlo Stealthy.
Det. Tai
Whoa, hey, just hold on a minute.
Who says you're in charge any more?
This is your fault that we let Kenneth Bell walk.
If you hadn't come in with this Donald Trump mess, we wouldn't have been shut down the way we were.
Whoa, hey, just hold on a minute.
Who says you're in charge any more?
This is your fault that we let Kenneth Bell walk.
If you hadn't come in with this Donald Trump mess, we wouldn't have been shut down the way we were.
Excuse me?
Det. Tai
You heard me.
We should have never gone after Rocksonberg,
he was never a threat.
He was always in last place.
We shouldn't have listened to you, we would've arrested Bell and put Barksdale away for a lot longer.
And now you want us to shift focus onto Marlo Stealthy?
No. As long as Kenneth Bell is still out there and we still have our Waiver Wires up, we need to pull all of our resources into catching the son of a bitch.
Det. Howard
Hey guys...
We raided Rocksonberg's compound and I found this...
Det. Minh
What is it?

The Baugh
It's the WCC Championship title.
It belongs to Shane McMahon and the WCC Universe.
As a former WCC Superstar, I think I should hold onto this.

Det. Tai
No, no, no. Fuck that.
We are done taking orders from you.

Det. Joyce
I'll hold onto it.
I am the highest ranked Fantasy Manager in the room.
Det. Tai
Hold your fucking horses.. we never-

Coach Rockson
Like children fighting over toys.
Except... that right there, is certainly no toy.
You have no idea what you're dealing with, do you?
The Baugh
Who in the blue fuck are you?
Our mutual friend, Mr. Nobody, sent me.
The name's Rockson.
Coach Rockson.
And that right there, is not just a WCC Championship title.
I'm afraid it is something far more dangerous.
That shiny belt right there, is what we know as a Fantasy Stone.
And right now, you five Fantasy Managers need to stick together.
Remain a team.
Work together to make sure the Fantasy Stone doesn't fall into the wrong hands.
Det. Minh
Well, we can't keep it here.
We need to bring it somewhere safe.
Bring it to someone who can protect it.
The Baugh
I know someone.
*Crowd Cheers*
Michael Cole
Welcome to the sold out Chesapeake Energy Arena here in Oklahoma City!
We are live for Wednesday Night Preview!
Michael Cole
King, it has been a long time coming, but the WCC Universe is back.
Announced just a few weeks ago, President Donald Trump has sold back the rights to the McMahon family and WCC Wednesday Night Preview has returned.
The King
It is truly great to be back, Michael.
Shane McMahon has done the impossible and with just four nights away from FantasyMania, anything can happen, Michael!
*Shane McMahon's Music Hits*
Here Comes The Money....
*Crowd Cheers*
Michael Cole
It is the man himself!
The new owner the West Coast Cousins,
Shane O'Mac!
Michael Cole
What will Shane McMahon have to say?
Will he address the WCC Universe?
Michael Cole
Find out when we return to Wednesday Night Preview!

Shane McMahon
Oklahoma City, how are we doing tonight?
*Crowd Cheers*

Shane McMahon
Oh, what a feeling it is, to be back in the squared circle.
Back inside, a WCC ring.
*Crowd Cheers*
Shane McMahon
This truly wouldn't be possible without all of you.
And I know what you're all thinking...
Four nights away from the biggest event in all of Fantasy Sports, the grand daddy of them all.
And we don't have a full roster of WCC Superstars.
You see, I acquired the WCC from Donald Trump just a few short weeks ago.
And as you know, the WCC under President Trump was failing.
Just like America has been failing since 2016.
*Crowd Cheers*
Shane McMahon
You see, President Trump alienated his WCC roster by exiling half the roster.
He prosecuted inactive Fantasy Managers and anyone that supported them.
Which left half the roster on the run from President Trump.
But I assure you, the WCC Universe, we will have a FantasyMania main event this season!
The show will go on and it'll be bigger than ever.
Because Oklahoma...
*The Baugh's Music Hits*
Michael Cole
Oh my God!
King, I cannot believe my eyes!
Listen to this ovation, Michael!
The Baugh
To Oklahoma City....
*Crowd Cheers*
The Baugh
Which means... FINALLY... THE BAUGH...
*Crowd Cheers*
The Baugh
Now The Baugh is gonna cut straight to the chase, because we don't have a lot of time.
The Baugh has come back, and The Baugh has come back for one reason and one reason only.
Shane McMahon, The Baugh has come back bearing a very important gift....

The Baugh reveals the WCC Championship title.
This is where the WCC Championship belongs.
This is where it deserves to be.
And there is nobody that The Baugh trusts more than the 2018 WCC League Champion to protect this title at all costs.
If there is anyone that can keep this title out of the wrong hands, it's this year's League Champion.
The Baugh
So The Baugh is officially throwing his name into the hat and declaring that I, Sidney "The Baugh" Johnson, will be competing in this year's FantasyMania to earn the right to be called...
WCC League Champion!
*Crowd Cheers*
The Baugh is cut off by Single H.
Michael Cole
The Cerebral Sandwich is here in Oklahoma City!
This could be trouble, Michael.
Single H makes his way down to the ring.

Single H
Isn't it convenient.
The Baugh returns to WCC Wednesday Night Preview after years filming B side storylines about sports teams and drug dealing.
And now, the WCC is back in prime time and suddenly, The Baugh decides to return and wants an immediate shot at the WCC Championship?

Single H
Meanwhile, the guys in the back have been busting their asses day in and day out to entertain the WCC Universe.
So to be frank with you, Baugh.
I don't think you deserve a spot at FantasyMania.
I don't think you should be here at all, superstar.
Big shot. Why don't you go back and make more crappy alternative storylines?
The Baugh
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Let The Baugh make one thing perfectly clear.
The Baugh didn't come back for you.
The Baugh
Pointing at the crowd:
The Baugh came back for them.
And if you don't think The Baugh deserves to be here, then you are entitled to your opinion.
But The Baugh says this, we can settle this the old fashion way.
You wanna go a couple of rounds?
Because we can go a couple of rounds.
Take off the suit, stop pretending to be a corporate candy ass.
And let's see what the Cerebral Bitch has left in the tank!
*Crowd Cheers*
The Baugh
You and me.
One on one with the great one.
*Crowd Cheers*
Single H removes his jacket, but suddenly the lights go out.
The Underchucker appears in the ring and the crowd goes wild.
Single H, Baugh.
For years, the Underchucker has made this 20 by 20 square foot ring, his yard.
And if you're looking for a guardian of the WCC Championship title, look no further than the Demon of Death Valley.
Before I lay in my permanent resting place, I will become WCC League Champion.
2018 is the year of the Underchucker.
And this FantasyMania, I will show you the very deepest depths of hell.
Because if I don't win it all, I will make sure neither of you do either.
Underchucker gets in the faces of Single H and Baugh.
Shane McMahon
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
We're not gonna have any of this tonight.
*Crowd Boos*
Shane McMahon
You three gentlemen want to settle this, we settle this at FantasyMania!
The Baugh vs. Single H vs. the Underchucker in a Triple Threat Match!
*Crowd Cheers*
The Hiz's music plays
Shane is interrupted by The Hiz.
The Hiz
Hold on just a minute.
I know we love 90s nostalgia, but this is quite sad.
Here we have in the ring, a bunch of has beens who have overstayed their welcome.
*Crowd Boos*
The Hiz
I mean seriously, how many times have we seen these matchups?
A triple threat match?
Are you kidding me?
Who would actually tune into this snooze fest watching over the hill Fantasy Managers battle it out one last time?
The Hiz
You three have had your shot.
This is my moment.
This is my year.
I have finally earned a spot at FantasyMania and I will not be out shined by 3 Fantasy Managers whose run is over.
Unlike you three, I am undefeated as FantasyMania!
Come on! A modern day Floyd Mayweather Jr.
Give it up for the undisputed, undefeated, number one must see attraction in the WCC today!
The Hiz!
*Crowd Boos*
Forget the triple threat match, McMahon.
Give me The Hiz.
Give me a one on one match with this clown, so I can teach him some manners first.
The Hiz
The clown in the ring right now is a nearly 60 year old man in eye liner and still dresses up for Halloween.
The Baugh
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hiz, yeah, yeah, The Baugh knows exactly who you are.
The Baugh knows you like to run your mouth.
And The Baugh digs that.
The Baugh loves to run his mouth too.
The Baugh
Let The Baugh be the first to congratulate you on your first playoff appearance.
You made it to FantasyMania!
What a huge accomplishment.
But let The Baugh also be the first to warn you.
Don't write checks that your ass can't check.
This is the big leagues, bitch.
Baugh Bottom on The Hiz!
But it's Single H from behind!
Family Tree on The Baugh!
And then the Underchucker responds with a tombstone on Single H!
Michael Cole
It is pure pandemonium in the ring!
Michael Cole
What a weekend we have in store for the WCC Universe.
Underchucker versus The Hiz!
Single H versus The Baugh!
Winner advances to the second round of FantasyMania!
You do not want to miss this!
Underchucker points at the FantasyMania logo as Preview goes off the air.
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