We open Episode 3 with a celebration in King's Landing.
Tywin Luunister is announcing the recipient to the Tytos Luunister Legacy of Excellence Award.
[Tywin Luunister]
The Luunister name.
One of the most royal names in all of the Seven Kingdoms.
The Legacy of the Luunister name must live on.
The only thing that matters is legacy.
Before long, I will be in my grave.
My children will be in their graves.
The only thing that remains, is our family name.
[Mr. McLuunister]
Which is why the recipient of the Tytos Luunister Legacy Award should go to somebody who exemplifies greatness.
Someone who has the political acumen to lead an entire Kingdom.
Someone who has the ferocity to command soldiers in war.
A good hearted soul.
Thus, it is my honor to announce to you the recipient of the Tytos Luunister Legacy of Excellence award to... Cersei Luunister!
*Crowd Boos*
Cersei Luunister takes the stage.
[Cersei Luunister]
Wow. I'm shocked.
You know, I didn't think I was going to win this award..
But I prepared a little speech...
[Mr. McMahon]
Damnit, you will show my daughter some respect!
Or I will have your heads!
[Stephaneah McMahon]
As I was saying..
I didn't expect to win this award.
But I just wanted quickly say...
*Shane McMahon's Music Hits*
*Shane McMahon's Music Hits*
The crowd at Full Sail University explodes with cheers.
[Mauro Ranallo]
What a shocking turn of events!
Shane McMahon is at Full Sail University!
What a shocking turn of events!
Shane McMahon is at Full Sail University!
[Shane McMahon]
What's up, Full Sail University?
*Crowd Cheers*
[Shane McMahon]
What's up, Full Sail University?
*Crowd Cheers*
[Shane McMahon]
Vince. Steph.
Wow. You've really done a number on this league.
Allow me to refresh your memory.
The last time I was on WCC television, I was killed off by the NWO.
I was killed off by the NWO after I invaded the WCC as owner of the CHF.
And I was killed off on the orders of The Authority.
I'll give you credit, you took my idea and you ran with it.
You and Single H.
You destroyed the WCC Universe and set this league back hundreds of years.
And I guess, we're now in some medieval fantasy world of dungeons and dragons, or whatever the heck is going on around here.
And don't get me wrong. I'm sure whatever story you were trying to tell..
Would've been a great story.
But perhaps too linear and not a lot of room for creativity.
You know? Given the fact that Game of Thrones has only been on the air for 6 years now.
That story has already been told and there is no unpredictability in that story.
And don't get me wrong. I'm sure whatever story you were trying to tell..
Would've been a great story.
But perhaps too linear and not a lot of room for creativity.
You know? Given the fact that Game of Thrones has only been on the air for 6 years now.
That story has already been told and there is no unpredictability in that story.
[Shane McMahon]
But let me tell you something, Steph.
While you've done a marvelous job running our father's creation into the ground.
I'm here to tell you that you don't deserve this award.
I'm here to tell you that you don't deserve this award.
I'm here to rebuild our father's legacy.
I'm here to undo everything you and Single H did.
I want control of the WCC Universe!
*Crowd Cheers*
[Stephaneah McMahon]
Dad. What's he talking about?
The WCC Universe is no more.
The WCC Universe is no more.
We buried it last season.
Wrestling storylines have run their course.
[Mr. McMahon]
Well.. that's technically true..
[Shane McMahon]
Technically true!
Yes it is, Stephaneah.
But I'm afraid Vince wasn't entirely truthful with you.
There's always been a loophole.
A fail safe in case the WCC Universe collapsed.
I am that fail safe, Stephaneah.
In case the Game of Fantasies story failed, I was always around just in case.
I am here to rebuild the WCC Universe!
*Crowd Cheers*
Shane O' Mac!
Shane O'Mac!
Shane O'Mac!
[Shane McMahon]
It's a new era in the WCC.
As a matter of fact, I don't even want to call this the WCC.
No, I want to introduce a new brand of Wrestling Storylines.
A more edgier, less PG, old school wrestling program.
But I'm afraid Vince wasn't entirely truthful with you.
There's always been a loophole.
A fail safe in case the WCC Universe collapsed.
I am that fail safe, Stephaneah.
In case the Game of Fantasies story failed, I was always around just in case.
I am here to rebuild the WCC Universe!
*Crowd Cheers*
Shane O' Mac!
Shane O'Mac!
Shane O'Mac!
[Shane McMahon]
It's a new era in the WCC.
As a matter of fact, I don't even want to call this the WCC.
No, I want to introduce a new brand of Wrestling Storylines.
A more edgier, less PG, old school wrestling program.
A storyline built for the new blood.
Superstars that will take this League to the next level.
The future of the WCC.
*Crowd Cheers*
[Shane McMahon]
Well Steph, once again.
That's where you're wrong.
I have an entire roster ready to step back into the squared circle.
Bring out the FXT Superstars!
Superstars that will take this League to the next level.
The future of the WCC.
*Crowd Cheers*
[Stephaneah McMahon]
What is he talking about dad?
We agreed to end Wrestling Storylines.
This was supposed to be about the Luunisters versus the Starks.
The claim for the Iron Throne.
We haven't even begun to tell the Game of Fantasies stories yet.
No one has even died yet in that Universe.
[Mr. McMahon]
Well... Stephaneah.
Ratings were low for the Game of Fantasies.
The storyline was harder to follow..
The Board of Directors simply felt that Game of Fantasies should be cancelled.
If you want to know what happens next in that story, watch Game of Thrones.
[Stephaneah McMahon]
So we're just gonna go back to wrestling storylines?
No. I fought hard last season to end this crap.
It's 2016. Who watches wrestling anymore?
Shane, we defeated you.
You don't even have a roster to fill your FXT brand.
[Shane McMahon]
Well Steph, once again.
That's where you're wrong.
I have an entire roster ready to step back into the squared circle.
Bring out the FXT Superstars!
The entire FXT roster walks out on stage.
[Shane McMahon]
I have a stacked roster of Superstars willing to prove themselves.
And we're still an upstart brand.
We aren't the WCC.
We may not have weekly storylines,
but I promise you..
We will rebuild West Coast Cousins.
And I think the first order of business is to crown a new FXT Universal Champion!
*Crowd Boos at the title of the Championship belt*
[Shane McMahon]
And we're gonna determine who the first ever FXT Universal Champion will be in a Fatal Four Way Elimination match!
The participants in that match will be....
[Shane McMahon]
Sidney "7torms" Reigns!
*Crowd Boos*
[Shane McMahon]
Tai Rollins!
*Crowd Boos*
[Shane McMahon]
Kevin Waiting!
*Crowd Cheers*
[Shane McMahon]
And finally...
Last but not least...
FXT's first round draft pick!
The Demon King.
Kenn Balor!
Full Sail University explodes as Kenn Balor makes his way through the crowd.
[Mauro Ranallo]
What a shocking announcement on FXT Preview!
A Fatal Four Way Elimination match to determine the first ever FXT Universal Championship!
Owens. Reigns. Rollins and Balor.
Who will be crowned Champion?
I'm here with The Hiz, who is making his first appearance in this Fantasy League for the first time in 4 seasons. Hiz, welcome back to West Coast Cousins.
[The Hiz]
Well, Josh. It feels great to be back.
Because it is an absolute travesty that The Hiz has been missing from the WCC for the past few seasons. But I understand why.
They claim that I was inactive, but that's not the real reason.
The real reason is because The Hiz was stealing the show.
The Hiz was on pace to be the biggest name in the WCC.
But they didn't want The Hiz outshining the John Seanas, the Sidney Reigns, the Deez Bryans of the world. No, they wanted me on the shelf.
They know that if I was in the league these past few seasons, not only would I have beaten Single H's 3x League Championship record..
But I would be THE most dominant Fantasy Manager the WCC has ever seen.
[The Hiz]
Wouldn't you agree, Josh?
You know what? Don't answer that.
What I want you to answer is why Shane McMahon felt it was acceptable to not include The Hiz into the FXT Universal Championship Fatal Four Way Match?
Am I still being blackballed?
Shane McMahon is making a huge mistake.
I belong in this league and had I been put into that match..
Well Josh, you'd be speaking to the first ever FXT Universal Champion!
The Hiz is interrupted by someone off screen.
[Shane McMahon]
You belong, huh?
I like that.
A Fantasy Manager with a chip on their shoulder.
You've got something to prove Hiz.
You want to prove that you belong?
Well I have a match for you this Sunday at FXT Arrival.
This Sunday, you'll be facing last season's Champion.
The Viper, Sandy Orton!
*Crowd Cheers*
Daniel Bryan's Music Hits as the FXT Intercontinental Champion makes his way down to the ring.

[Daniel Bryan]
I've been in this league for a very long time.
I've accomplished so many things here in the WCC.
But one of my most proudest moments in the WCC is becoming Intercontinental Champion.
Without a doubt, this title is one of the most prestigious Championships in our industry.
And I would love nothing more than to add to that prestige.
To be apart of the New Era in the WCC.
And to elevate FXT into the future.
Unfortunately, Dr. James Andrews has not cleared me to play Fantasy Football this season.
*Crowd Boos*
[Daniel Bryan]
Now, hold on. Hold on.
Maybe Dr. Andrews has a point.
Maybe I am no longer healthy enough to play Fantasy Football.
The research on concussions and CTE is still ongoing.
Some leagues, like the NFL, may choose to ignore them.
But as a professional Fantasy Manager, I'm happy that the WCC has taken the initiative to protect our Fantasy Managers.
I've suffered numerous concussions throughout my career as a Fantasy Manager.
Some undiagnosed. But they have definitely taken a toll on my body.
One season, I think my name is Lufa.
Another season, I think I'm Deez Bryan.
Truth be told, I don't know who I am anymore.
And if it comes down to my health versus my career..
I choose health.

[Daniel Bryan]
That is why, with great regret, I must relinquish the FXT Intercontinental Championship..
And walk away from Fantasy Football forever.
*Crowd Boos*
*Jenni Zayn's Music Hits*
[Corey Graves]
Look at this Mauro, it's FXT Rookie, Jenni Zayn!
[Byron Saxton]
Jenni Zayn! I know her!
Isn't that Lufa?

[Jenni Zayn]
Hey Daniel. I've got a lot of respect for you.
But you don't have to worry about an identity crisis.
I will continue to carry the Lufa legacy moving forward.
I am Jenni Zayn and I will continue where you left off in FXT.

[Jenni Zayn]
Which is why, I should take your place as FXT Intercontinental Champion!
*Vic Ambrose Cuts Off Jenni Zayn*
The intensity is picking up live on FXT!
The LunaVic Fringe!
Vic Ambrose!
[Vic Ambrose]
First of all, who are you?
What makes you think that you should be Intercontinental Champion?
You haven't been putting in the work, rookie.
Meanwhile, I'm leading the entire league in points.
Look at the power rankings, kid. There's only one man on top.
You're looking at the next FXT Intercontinental Champion!
*John Seana is out next to a mixed reaction*

Well hold on, just a minute.
After a disappointing career in the WCC, John Seana is back to make a name for himself in FXT.
And I can think of no better way to make a name for himself than becoming FXT Intercontinental Champion!
[Vic Ambrose]
Your time is up, John.
Just like the other storyline says, you don't belong in this league.
You should just play in the Yahoo Public Leagues.
The Night's Watch, could use a bastard like yourself.
You're a nobody these days.
How can you be the Face That Runs the Place, when you're sitting there down in 8th?
You haven't won a game this season.
And I just gave you the ass kicking of a lifetime, John Seana.
You don't deserve a shot at the Intercontinental title.
How can you be the Face That Runs the Place, when you're sitting there down in 8th?
You haven't won a game this season.
And I just gave you the ass kicking of a lifetime, John Seana.
You don't deserve a shot at the Intercontinental title.
[John Seana]
Be that as it may, I've always lived by one motto.
Never give up! Never gave in!
You can knock me down, but you sure as hell better believe I will AWAYS get back up.
So I say, if a fight is what you're looking for..
I say a fight is what you're gonna get!
Vic Ambrose vs. John Seana for the FXT Intercontinental Championship!
*Seana is cut off by Dolph Riggler's Music*

[Dolph Riggler]
Whoa... whoa...
Hold on there, Johnny.
Let's take a poll real quick.
Out of all the FXT Superstars in the ring right now..
How many of you have even won a League Championship?

[Dolph Riggler]
Oh, that's right.
I am the only one out right now who has won a WCC League Championship.
I was the 2013 Rookie of the Year, former League Champion, and the Face that Steals the Show!
This Sunday, I may not be competing for the FXT Universal Championship, but if I can't get an opportunity at that title, then I'll go for the next best thing.
I want in on the Intercontinental Championship!
***Minh Wyatt Cut In***

[Minh Wyatt]
What do we have here?
Slaves. Slaves clamoring for fool's gold.
You think, this is what is important?
No. I am important.
This is no longer, the Fantasy League you once knew.
This is no longer, the West Coast Cousins that you remember.
This here, this league, is now my world.
And you are allllllll my disciples.
The sooner you realize that the world around you is in shambles.
The sooner I can set you free.
I will lead you to eternal freedom, my friends.
[Minh Wyatt]
This Sunday, I will show you the way.
Follow me as I take you to the abyss.
So the four of you can play your little games.
I play a much more intricate game.
And you are all pawns to my chessboard.
Vic Ambrose is completely confused by Minh Wyatt's nonsensical rambling.
Mr. William Regal Makes his way out onto the stage.
Well isn't this quite the situation?
Five FXT Superstars fighting for position.
The Intercontinental Championship titleholder is usually put into a position to compete for the FXT Universal Championship.
It is quite astonishing to see Fantasy Managers challenging each other to rise to the top of the league.
This is the first step in becoming League Champion.
And I think I have an idea on how to settle this dispute..
A six pack challenge at FXT Arrival with the winner becoming the new FXT Intercontinental Champion!
*Crowd Cheers*
Oh and by the way, as you can see, there are only 5 Superstars in the ring right now.
Which means, I have added one more Superstar to the match.
FXT's newest signee...
This man...
[Shinsuke Nickamura]
International Champeonsip.
[Shinsuke Nickamura]
I have to be new International Champeonsip at FXT Arrival.
Shinsuke Nickamura!
[Mauro Ranallo]
[Corey Graves]
That is an absolutely crazy match, Mauro.
But there really is no reason to yell.
I can't wait for Sunday, Mauro.
[Byron Saxton]
Yeah! Me too guys!
What do you add to this commentary broadcast, Byron?
[Byron Saxton]
I really just like Fantasy Football, Corey.
Tai Rollins makes his way out to a mixed reaction from the crowd.
[Mauro Ranallo]
As we get set for our MAIN EVENT.
The Fatal Four Way to determine the FIRST EVER FXT UNIVERSAL CHAMPION!
[Corey Graves]
Tai Rollins looks focused guys.
Tai was the first ever WCC League Champion and he would want nothing more than to be the first ever FXT Universal Champion!
[Byron Saxton]
I agree with that!
Well here is another competitor who will look to make sure Tai doesn't walk out of Arrival as the Universal Champion.
Kevin Waiting.
Under the mentorship of Chris Waiting,
Kevin Waiting has fought his way into the main event picture.
Since Chris Waiting has been in the league, he's consistently been one of the highest scoring Fantasy Managers in the league. Kevin Waiting, looks to take it one step further and become the first ever FXT Universal Champion!
I don't like Kevin Waiting, Corey. He's not a very nice person.
The crowd boos as Sidney Reigns makes his way out to the ring.
I think that might be a stretch, Mauro.
Last season, Sidney Reigns had a very strong regular season finishing 10-3 and securing the first seed at FantasyMania.
Unfortunately, Sidney Reigns was upset by CM PUP in the semi-finals of the last season's playoffs.
He looks to bounce back this season.
Yeah, Sidney Reigns will definitely try hard this season, Mauro.
I really don't see the purpose in having 3 commentators, Mauro.
This is ridiculous.
*Kenn Balor's Music Hits*
*Crowd Cheers*
This is one amazing match we're about to witness, folks.
Kenn Balor. Sidney Reigns. Kevin Waiting.
And Tai Rollins.
Who will be the FXT Universal Champion?
I don't know. Who do you think it will be?
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