We are live in Phoenix, Arizona for another edition of Wednesday Night Preview.
After a shocking turn of events at Survivor Series,
Deez Bryan has joined the NWO, turning heel and turning his back on the WCC Universe.
With just one week before FantasyMania, what does this mean for the future of Wrestling Storylines?
Single H's music hits and out comes the COO of WCC.
[Single H]
For those of you who missed Survivor Series, you missed one heck of a show.
The return of Single H to active competition was a great success.
Not only did I kick Kurt Crabble's ass.. but I dominated him.
I showed the world that Single H is still on top of his game.
I showed the world that I can still win the League Championship.
And that's exactly what I plan to do at FantasyMania!
*Crowd Boos*
[Single H]
I mean, let's face it.
With so many FantasyMania spots up for grabs, why wouldn't you want to see Single H return to FantasyMania?
With just one week left in the regular season, there are still 3 remaining Playoff Spots.
The most we've ever had with just one week remaining.
This has been the tightest race in WCC History.
Stephaneah, what do you think?
I don't think there would be a better Superstar to stop the NWO
than 3x League Champion, Single H!
[Stephaneah McMahon]
Sandwich, I think you're absolutely right.
*Chris Waiting's Music Hits*
[Chris Waiting]
Not a better Superstar?
Is this some kind of joke?
Single H, I have been waiting to confront you for 2 seasons.
Yes, that is what I was Waiting for.
I am the best in the league at what I do.
Look at the points I've scored these past couple of years.
I led the league in scoring last season.
And this season, I trail only Toman Reigns.
Yet last season, I didn't even get to play at FantasyMania.
Well, not this season.
This season, I'm going to FantasyMania.
And I will show you why I am the Best in the League at what I do.
[Stephaneah McMahon]
Chris, don't get me wrong.
You're a fantastic Fantasy Manager.
You've entertained the fans for years.
Week after week, you put on a show.
You've done a great job legitimatizing the Chris Jericho character
after Bus Drivers ruined him.
But you're not Championship material.
You aren't The Guy.
A Single H.
A Sandy Orton.
A Stone Cold Steve Pupstin.
Not even a Dolph Riggler.
*Dolph Riggler's Music Hits*
Former League Champion Dolph Riggler makes his way out.
[Dolph Riggler]
That's right, Stephaneah.
He's not me.
And make no mistake about it, Waiting.
You got lucky at Survivor Series.
And no matter how many points you score in a season,
you'll never be a League Champion like yours truly.
[Single H]
If I may interject, Dolph..
The WCC Universe isn't exactly thrilled to see you play at FantasyMania.
[Single H]
I mean, let's be honest with ourselves here.
The chances of you making it to FantasyMania are slim.
While you aren't technically eliminated, you'll need one hell of a week to get out of 10th place.
No one is expecting you to do anything worthwhile this season, Dolph.
*Vic Ambrose's Music Hits*
[Vic Ambrose]
You know, I can't help but feel left out right now.
Sure, it's been a rough couple of weeks for me.
But my postseason chances are still alive.
And until I am officially eliminated, I plan on fighting until the end.
This week, is my last hurrah.
And if I'm going down, I want you Single H.
You and me.
1 on 1.
Winner goes to FantasyMania.
*Crowd Cheers*
Vic Ambrose and Single H go face to face.
*SC Lesnar's Music Hits*
I mean, let's be honest with ourselves here.
The chances of you making it to FantasyMania are slim.
While you aren't technically eliminated, you'll need one hell of a week to get out of 10th place.
No one is expecting you to do anything worthwhile this season, Dolph.
*Vic Ambrose's Music Hits*
[Vic Ambrose]
You know, I can't help but feel left out right now.
Sure, it's been a rough couple of weeks for me.
But my postseason chances are still alive.
And until I am officially eliminated, I plan on fighting until the end.
This week, is my last hurrah.
And if I'm going down, I want you Single H.
You and me.
1 on 1.
Winner goes to FantasyMania.
*Crowd Cheers*
Vic Ambrose and Single H go face to face.
*SC Lesnar's Music Hits*
Paul Heyman and SC Lesnar make their way out to the ring.
[Paul Heyman]
Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman and I am the Advocate for The Beast Incarnate..
And you see, there is no Superstar in the League that is hotter than my client.
My Beast has absolutely dominated her competition.
Steam Rawled over Vic Ambrose in Week 11.
And took 2014 League Champion CM PUP to Suplex City.
Two Superstars, might I remind you, that headlined FantasyMania last season.
Back to back Beatdowns of the Week.
Oh yes, just like she did a few seasons ago, Santa Clara Lesnar is peaking at the right time.
There is no scarier Superstar going to the final weeks of the season,
than Santa Clara Lesnar.
Single H and Santa Clara Lesnar shake hands.
But they're interrupted by the sound of CM PUP.
Well, isn't this one happy WCC Family?
I've got to say it.
I've kept my mouth shut for most the season.
But these Storylines are all over the place.
I think I speak for everyone when I say,
it was much better when I was the main character.
Now we have some Goat Face Super Saiyan
and some over the hill, power hungry Chief Operating Officer
hogging all the lime light.
Well I say, we make things interesting again.
I say, what's FantasyMania without CM PUP?
There's 3 spots left and I'm fixin' on taking one of them.
So I don't give a rat ass if CM PUP has to walk down that ring and stomp
a mudhole in all your asses, if that's what it's gonna take
to go back to FantasyMania.
And that's the bottom line cause CM PUP said so!
*Crowd Cheers*
[Single H]
Well, PUP.
That's not the bottom line.
I am still the Chief Operating Officer of the WCC and I have the final say.
And of all the Superstars out here right now...
You are the one who I want to miss FantasyMania the most.
I haven't forgotten how you walked out last season.
How you took the WCC Championship away from us.
How you tried to publicly embarrass our league.
CM PUP, you are not going to FantasyMania.
Well it's funny you say that, Single H.
Because you actually don't have the final say.
Per your contract agreements,
you waived your authority the moment you became an active WCC Superstar.
So that means authority falls under the next Chain of Command.
The President of WCC Operations..
Donald Trump!
*President Donald Trump's Music Hits*
Look at this!
It's The Donald, King!
That's President Donald Trump to you, Michael Cole!
Single H looks to be in shock!
[Donald Trump]
Oh, yes, Single H.
It's me, President of WCC Operations, Donald Trump.
Do we love CM PUP?
We love you CM PUP!
[Donald Trump]
Single H, I am the new authority in the West Coast Cousins
and I am here to make the WCC Great Again!
And in order to be a great President, I have to make tough decisions.
I have to make great matches.
And that's what we're going to do.
This Sunday at the Royal Rumble, only on the WCC Network
we're going to have a match!
And that match is a Traditional 30-Man Over the Top Rope Royal Rumble Match!
Featuring 30 of the WCC premiere Superstars from past and present.
The Final 3 Superstars left standing in the ring will clinch a playoff berth and go to FantasyMania!

Here we go, King.
It's Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash..
and the newest member..
Deez Bryan.
*Crowd Boos*

[Deez Bryan]
Yeah, yeah!
I can't hear you!
You know, you shouldn't be booing me.
You should be booing yourselves!
You want to know why?
Why I turned my back on the WCC?
I'll tell you why.
Season after season, my characters have been trash.
Nyback? Really?
[Deez Bryan]
You think I fused with that huge hunk of crap?
No! I killed Nyback!
You writers in the back, you have repeatedly screwed me over and over.
Nick Foley? Not the biggest fan of Mankind.
I can write better storylines than this.
That's why I killing your storylines.
That's why I brought in the NWO.
Nick's World Order.
It was me.
It was me all along!
I brought this chaos.
I brought the end to the WCC Storylines.
I am the Commissioner of the Cameron House Fantasy Football League.
And due to copyright infringement, the league is actually called 36 Chambers.
Not "CHF" or whatever crap you guys call it.
This league is a joke.
No one trades.
No one talks.
I don't even know anyone in this league.
*Crowd Boos*
[Deez Bryan]
You appointed me to be the savior.
Well, I'm sorry.
I'm not a savior.
I'm the destruction of the West Coast Cousins.
And now that you idiots have allowed me to Unify the Championship titles..
It's over.
[Deez Bryan]
We've got the titles.
We've got the Infinity Stones.
We've got it all.
And now, I am putting an to the Storylines.
Right here.
*Toman Reign's Music Hits*

[Toman Reigns]
Deez, before you do that.
Before you blow everything up and destroy the storylines.
I have one question.
Are you really willing to go down in the history books having never won a FantasyMania match?
*Crowd Cheers*

[Toman Reigns]
I mean, the history books don't lie.
You're 0-2 at Fantasymania.
You've lost to John Seana in 2013 and you've lost to the Underchucker last season.
You destroy everything now, and you'll go down winless.
So how about this.
You and I, one more time, this Sunday at the Royal Rumble.
*Crowd Cheers*
Deez Bryan runs at Toman Reigns.

The 2 Superstars go at it as the referees try to separate them.

Deez Bryan taunting Toman Reigns.

Toman Reigns with the Spear on Deez Bryan!

Toman Reigns poses with the WCCHF Championship title.
[Deez Bryan]
That's MY Championship!
Toman Reigns points at FantasyMania
[Toman Reigns]
I'll see you soon, Deez.
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