Wednesday, November 25, 2015

WCC Wednesday Night Preview Week 12: Survivor Series

Welcome everybody to Wednesday Night Preview.
The playoff race is heating up, with just four spots left, it's anybody's race!
Seeds 3-10 are all still in the running with just a couple games separating each Superstar.
How will the FantasyMania lineup shake up in the next few weeks?
We're going to find out!

*Vic Ambrose's Music Hits*

[Vic Ambrose]
Listen very carefully, this is to everyone in the back.
There are just 2 regular season games left and now I find myself in a must win situation.
After dropping 2 straight matches, I am now out of the Top 6.
But a win this Sunday and I am one step closer to FantasyMania.
Last season, I fell just short of becoming League Champion.
And if I get that opportunity once more..
You bet your ass, I'm taking home the gold.

***Wyatt Cut-In****

[Minh Wyatt]
Vic Ambrose.
The Lunavic Fringe.
You see, someone like Vic Ambrose joins the West Coast Cousins.
He is not a family member.
He is not one of us.
He joins to fill a roster spot.
He joins because he enjoys playing Fantasy Football.
But you see Vic, there is the lie.
Fantasy Football is not fun.
Fantasy Football is a not game.
Fantasy Football my instrument of chaos.
Vic Ambrose, this Sunday at Survivor Series, I will put an end to your season.
And when I do..
I come one step closer to putting an end to the Wrestling Storylines...

Vic Ambrose exits the ring and starts walking towards Minh Wyatt.

Minh Wyatt cuts in and ends up being Vic Ambrose.

[Minh Wyatt]

Sister Abigail on Vic Ambrose!

We cut backstage to find The Baugh and Toman Reigns arriving to the arena.

[Renee Young]
Toman, Baugh. If I could have a word with you.
I think the entire WCC Universe wants to know.
How does it feel to be the new CHF Champion?

[Toman Reigns]
This is just the beginning, Renee.
What I've done, this season.
This has been the strongest Fantasy Team that I have ever put together.
8 straight wins. And this Sunday, we make it 9.
I've never felt more confident in my Fantasy ability than I have this season.
Just a few more weeks and I make my mark amongst the legends of the WCC.
This is the year of Toman Reigns.
This is the year, I make The Baugh proud.
This is the dawning of the Toman Empire.
The Reign of Toman.

[Nick Foley]
It's been so long.
How are you doing, my friend?

[The Baugh]
Your friend?
You think The Baugh wants to be your friend?

[Nick Foley]
You see, Baugh. I was one step ahead of you there.
And just like my protege, Deez Bryan, 
is going to be one step ahead of Toman Reigns this Sunday.
You talk about the Reign of Toman.
Well, my friend, there is only one Super Saiyan Fantasy Manager in this league.
And he's the current WCC Champion!



[Renee Young]
Joining me at this time, Chris Waiting!
Chris, just like last season, you find yourself near the bottom of the standings.
Despite the fact that you are one of the leagues top scorers.
What have you learned in your second season in the league that you can use this season to make it to FantasyMania?

[Chris Waiting]
You think that's a coincidence?
I've been saying it all season long.
The WCC Executives have routinely screwed me over.
I've been jobbing ever since i joined this league, putting other Superstars over.
But week and week out, I put up staggering Fantasy numbers.
I should be going to FantasyMania.
You want to know why they won't let me?
Because I would absolutely steal the show.
And Renee, let me tell you a little secret.
I've received my scripts for the final 2 weeks of the regular season.
Jobbing to Dolph Riggler and jobbing to and jobbing to Tai Rollins.
But you know what? Screw the storylines.
Screw Vince McMahon.
I'm going off script.
This Sunday, I'm kicking Dolph Riggler's ass.
And then I'm going to FantasyMania.
Write that into your little storylines.

We cut to Tai Rollins who is with J&J Security.

[Jamie Noble]
Come on, Tai!
3 straight losses? Are you kidding me?
Single H would not be happy with your performance.
This is not the caliber that The Authority came to expect when they appointed you 
the new face of the WCC!
You're representing one of the greatest Fantasy Mangers of all time.
3x League Champion, Single H!
And to let Deez Bryan embarrass you in front of the world?
I think you should let Single H take care of the final few weeks.
We can't afford to miss FantasyMania again.

Tai Rollins slaps Jamie Noble.

[Tai Rollins]
Who the hell do you think you are?
Remember who you're talking to.
I am the premiere Fantasy Manager in the WCC.
I will take care of Kurt Crabble.
He's an old man who doesn't have any Fantasy players left.

Single H walks in.

[Single H]
No. Jamie Noble is right.
You're sitting this one out 'Champ'.
At least for a week.
What you've shown me these last couple of weeks tells me that you aren't ready.

[Single H]
And now I'm coming out of retirement to take us back to FantasyMania.



We return to find CM PUP talking to someone.

You asked for me.
You brought me in.
So talk.
What can I do to secure a FantasyMania playoff spot?

The camera pans and we see Stone Cold Steve Pupstin.

*Crowd Cheers*

Back at ringside Deez Bryan's music hits.

And there is the WCC Champion.
The Legendary Super Saiyan, Deez Bryan.
JBL, last season Deez Bryan defeated Tai Rollins and punched his ticket to FantasyMania.
What are Deez's chances of becoming League Champion?

Becoming League Champion is no easy task.
And we've seen Deez Bryan come up short before at FantasyMania.
But I think what we're seeing today, is a completely new Deez Bryan.
He'll be one of the favorites for sure.

As Deez Bryan enters the ring, 
Toman Reigns comes in from the crowd and the two Champions are face to face!

[Deez Bryan]
Cameron House Fantasy Champion, Toman Reigns.
I'll admit, you've had a great season so far, Reigns.
But this Sunday, you face a challenger that's just as powerful.

[Nick Foley]
#1 vs. #2
What we're seeing this Sunday at Survivor Series, is FantasyMania Preview.
You see Baugh, only one of us can protect the West Coast Cousins.
Whoever comes out on top this Sunday..
They're the guy.
They're the one who has to fend off Minh Wyatt and the New World Order.
Because if we unify these titles..

[Deez Bryan]
Then we create a target.
Minh Wyatt will come after the winner.
And if they get their hands on the Championship titles,
coupled with the Infinity Stones, they'll destroy everything in their paths.
Are you ready for that?

[Nick Foley]
Should we merge the WCC Championship and the CHF Championship and determine who the #1 Superstar is?
Or should we keep the titles separate and prevent Minh Wyatt from destroying the league?

[Toman Reigns]
You've got to understand one thing, Deez.
I fear no one.
Not you. Not Foley.
Not the New World Order.
And certainly not Minh Wyatt.
I believe in my ability has a Fantasy Manager.
I'm going to FantasyMania.
And I'm taking those titles with me.

[Nick Foley]
So it's settled then.
A WCCHF Championship Unification Match?

[The Baugh]
If that's what The People want.

*Crowd Cheers*

Oh my God!
They're going to bring the titles together.
This means there will only be one protector.
One Guardian of the WCC Universe.
Who will it be?
Toman Reigns or Deez Bryan?

May the best man win.
Thank you and goodnight!

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