The Shield make their way through the crowd to kick off Wednesday Night Preview!
Remember folks, last night at Judgment Day,
Vic Ambrose successfully defended the WCC Championship against John Seana
but then Chris Waiting made an appearance and cashed in his Money in the Bank Briefcase
to defeat Vic Ambrose with the help of Kevin Waiting.
Vic Ambrose doesn't look happy, Michael.
Let's see what the Former Champion has to say.
[Vic Ambrose]
First things first.
For all of you who thought I needed The Shield to win a Championship match,
I just proved you all wrong.
I defeated John Seana by myself.
I posted the highest score of the week.
And then, from out of no where, we hear Chris Waiting's annoying theme song.
[Vic Ambrose]
And Waiting, you don't even have the audacity to face me straight up.
You have Kevin Waiting do your dirty work.
Well "Champ", I say we settle this right here!
Right now!
Get your ass in this ring!
I want my rematch!
*Crowd Cheers*
Instead of Chris Waiting, we get The Authority's music.
[Single H]
Whoa.. whoa..
Hold it right there.
Let's simmer down on all of this rematch talk.
I don't want you to get these fans upset, because there won't be a rematch tonight.
*Crowd Boos*
[Single H]
And you know what, Vic.
I'm starting to believe that we've backed the wrong horse.
If you can't protect the WCC Championship from a Fantasy Manager like Chris Waiting,
how are you supposed to protect it from the NWO?
[Toman Reigns]
Are you kidding me?
You aren't seriously putting the blame on Vic Ambrose.
Chris Waiting took a cheap shot on Vic.
And as far as the NWO is concerned, who cares?
The NWO isn't a threat anymore.
I went toe to toe with their newest members and I don't think the CHF has anything left in the tank.
They took their best shot and now it's over.
[Single H]
It's over?
You think that the NWO is just going to walk away?
No, Shane has something major planned and it's only a matter of time before he strikes again.
And you talk about Chris Waiting pulling a cheap shot,
the NWO would do whatever it takes to take the title.
That's how they did it the first time.
I can't risk the public embarrassment of losing the title to the CHF again.
So I'm starting to believe that The Shield can't protect the WCC Universe.
I think I was wrong about you 3.
[Vic Ambrose]
Listen here, H.
The three of us, as a tandem, cannot be beaten.
Sure, individually, we can lose a match.
But as a team, we are the WCC's best shot at fighting the New World Order.
So you can say whatever you want, COO.
But The Shield lives on.
[Single H]
You know what, Vic?
I think you're right.
As a team, the three of you are unbeatable.
But apart, you aren't.
Do it. Now.
Wait a minute! From behind!
Tai Rollins with a chair shot to the spine of Toman Reigns!
Vic Ambrose is in shock!
Tai Rollins now taking it to Vic Ambrose.
The crowd boos as Tai Rollins stands over Toman Reigns and Vic Ambrose.
[Single H]
Tonight, you broke The Shield.
This Sunday, you break Toman Reigns.
***Wyatt Family Cut In***

And there is Minh Wyatt.
We saw last night at Judgment Day, Minh Wyatt and The Wyatt Family
seemingly took Deez Bryan.
And now we see Deez Bryan coming out with the Wyatt Family.
What has come of our hero, Deez Bryan?

[Minh Wyatt]
Look at your savior now.
The Legendary Super Saiyan.
There was only one man, one man who could've stopped me.
One man who had the power to prevent me from collecting all of the Infinity Stones.
That man, was Deez Bryan.
Deez Bryan was the Legendary Fantasy Manager,
and now that Legendary Fantasy Manager belongs to me.
[Minh Wyatt]
And now there is nothing in my way.
No one will stop me from fulfilling the King's Prophecy.
I have now collected the 2nd Infinity Stone.
The Power Stone.
This stone, which I store in this Urn, holds an incredible power source.
When used at it's full potential, it can obliterate an entire planet.
And now I am one step closer to resurrecting the Minhistry of Darkness.
*Crow Sound*
*Crowd Cheers*
Minh Wyatt!
It is true. There are relics that predate the WCC Universe itself.
But Minh, you have no idea what you are dealing with.
Put the stone down and let me take it back to a place where it is safe.
[Minh Wyatt]
Sting, you talk with great passion and ferocity.
Especially from a man hiding in the shadows 40 feet in the air.
If you want these stones, come down here and take them from me!
We both know that would be unwise.
I see through your traps, Minh.
But there is one man that can take the Infinity Stones from you...
And he happens to be standing in that ring with you right now.
Deez Bryan, you have the power to end this war.
You are the chosen one.
The Legend.
Minh Wyatt has taken John Seana and Kevin Waiting before.
But you have the power to fight back!
Fight, Deez, fight.
Fight the power of the Mind Stone.
Everything Minh Wyatt is telling you is a lie.
You must overcome your every instinct to beat the Mind Stone.
Come on, Deez.
The entire WCC Universe is counting you!
Minh Wyatt whispers something in Deez Bryan's ear.
Fight! Deez! Fight!
Come on!
I know you can do it.
Don't let him brainwash you.
Listen to the fans, Deez.
Deez Bryan drops to his knees as the WCC Universe boos.
Deez Bryan gives in and sacrifices himself to Sister Abigail.
The Wyatt Family carry Deez Bryan away much to the displeasure of the WCC Universe.

Preview returns with John Seana already in the ring.
I think it's about time I addressed the WCC Universe.
What we just saw before the break, Minh Wyatt has his hands on another Infinity Stone.
The Power Stone.
We all know what the Mind Stone can do.
I know first hand. I was under mind control before.
I don't know to know what the Power Stone can do.

I've seen the WCC Universe fall at the whims of Minh Wyatt.
The Fireflies.
I don't doubt the power that Minh Wyatt possesses.
And if he gets his hands on the last 2 Infinity Stones..
Well.. I don't even want to think about that.
So forget about Fantasy Football.
Forget about records and petty feuds.
The only thing the WCC Locker Room should be concerning themselves with..
is Minh Wyatt and the New World Order.
Once we solve those two issues, we can go back to business as usual.
But right now, I think it's about time we form a team.
Team #NeverGiveUp
I'm asking everyone in the back to join me.
Babyface or heel, it doesn't matter!
Part time Superstar or not!
I say, forget all of that!
It's time to join together as one.
Because if we can't protect the WCC Universe,
you can be damn well sure, we'll avenge it!
*CM PUP's Music Hits*
CM PUP makes his way out, microphone in one hand,
the WCC Championship in the other.
Seana... Seana... Seana...
Before you even begin. The answer is no.
I will not join your hippie army.
What you are concerned about, is like Global Warming.
It's not a real threat.
You can fear monger the "WCC Universe" all you want,
it's not going to change the fact that none of this matters.
Infinity Stones, Super Saiyans..
I can't believe what I'm hearing.
None of those things are real, John.
The only issue I have with Minh Wyatt, is that he cut my match with Deez Bryan short.
I was about ready to kick his ass and embarrass Deez Bryan in front of the world.
Deez, did you make a status update about how I kicked your ass at Judgment Day?
How many likes did that one get?
You see, my whole purpose for returning to the WCC was to kick Deez Bryan's ass.
And now, ever since my return, Deez Bryan has dropped 2 straight matches.
He was hailed as the WCC's Savior.
The "Super Saiyan" Main Eventer.
But now? He's just a mid-card slave to Minh Wyatt and his family.
You see, my whole purpose for returning to the WCC was to kick Deez Bryan's ass.
And now, ever since my return, Deez Bryan has dropped 2 straight matches.
He was hailed as the WCC's Savior.
The "Super Saiyan" Main Eventer.
But now? He's just a mid-card slave to Minh Wyatt and his family.
And you see, John. That brings me to my next point.
The reason I'm out here right now, is because of you.
I wrote a message to the entire league.
Do not trade with Deez Bryan.
He is a jerk.
And what did you do, Johnny?
You traded with Deez Bryan.
You gave him Alshon Jeffrey.
Alshon Jeffrey put up 20 points against me.
You, in effect, helped Deez Bryan.
You wanted me to lose.
And now, this Sunday at Hell in a Cell.
You're going to lose.
And guess what else, John?
This Sunday, when we play football in real life.
I'm not going to throw you the ball.
So tell me, John.
You will.
The camera pans out to find Stone Cold Steve Pupstin
watching the exchange between CM PUP and John Seana.
CM PUP doesn't believe in the Infinity Stones.
But he's wrong.
His record, my record. We stand in 8th place.
I can't save the WCC like this.
What if I told you, there was once a Fantasy Manager who made the climb.
From 10th place to 1st place.
All in the timespan of one season.
He started from the bottom..
And then he won the WCC League Championship.
I'll need stronger Fantasy Players.
It's not about your Fantasy Players.
My Fantasy Players score the points.
Fear is why you fail.
No, I'm not afraid.
I'm angry.
The new WCC Champion makes his way down the ring as Preview returns.
Well.. well... well..
Do I have your respect now?
Will you finally write a storyline about me?
I mean seriously, is this deja vu?
I am the League's Points Leader, but just like last season..
I am on the outside looking in.
I am in 9th place. This must be some kind of joke!
So I did what I had to do last night.
I cashed in my Money in the Bank Briefcase and I became WCC Champion.
And as long as I hold onto this title, I am going to FantasyMania.
I will not be denied my FantasyMania moment.
I am the best in the league at what I do.
Do you see that?
Can you read that?
Can you read that?
It says, WCC World Heavyweight Champion,
Chris Waiting!
*The Authority's Music Hits*
[Stephaneah McMahon]
Oh, Chris.
I think we can all read. You certainly are the Champion.
But not for long.
[Stephaneah McMahon]
Because this Sunday, exclusively on the WCC Network,
which by the way, you can purchase for just $9.99.
Chris Waiting, you will defend your WCC Championship at Hell in a Cell.
And then that title comes home where it belongs.
In the hands of The Authority.
Chris, allow me to introduce your opponent this Sunday..
[Stephaneah McMahon]
The Director of Operations, last season's FantasyMania Finalist!
The Big Red Machine!
Vane's pyros explode around Waiting.
And a Chokeslam from behind!
Director of Operations, Vane shakes hands with Stephaneah,
pledging his allegiance to the Authority.
Waiting has his hands full this Sunday.
He'll need to string together a few wins to get back in contention for FantasyMania.
All of that and more this Sunday at Hell in a Cell!
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