Preview starts with a shot of the NWO walking around backstage.
Are you kidding me?
It's been 6 weeks and the WCC is as strong as ever.
I joined the NWO to take over the league.
Now if you're telling me..
[Shane McMahon]
Relax SCGD.
This is where we want to be.
Trust me. The WCC won't know what hit 'em next.
*The Authority's Music Hits*
And there is The Authority of the WCC!
Stephaneah McMahon and Single H.
Welcome everybody to Wednesday Night Preview.
I am Michael Cole alongside JBL.
Well the Authority looks happy, Michael.
They have the WCC Championship back in their hands.
And I believe now that The Shield is here to protect us..
The war against terror is over, Michael.
We've won!
I'm not so sure about that JBL.
Not everyone agrees that The Authority should have the title.
[Single H]
A mythical Fantasy Manager..
A Fantasy Manager so strong, that he cannot be defeated.
A Fantasy Manager so powerful, that his projections are over 9000.
A legend that comes around once in a thousand years..
Sound a little too good to be true?
*Crowd Boos*
[Single H]
I told you, there is no such thing as Super Saiyan Fantasy Manager.
And if The Shield can break Deez Bryan, so too, can the New World Order.
But have no fear, because the West Coast Cousins is now safe.
We can now all go back to our normal lives.
The threat of the New World Order is over.
As long as The Shield is here.. Shane doesn't stand a chance.
I believe in The Shield.
And so should the rest of the WCC Universe.
Let's give it up for the Hounds of Justice!
*The Shield's Music Hits*
And there is the WCC Champion,
Vic Ambrose alongside his partners Tai Rollins and Toman Reigns.
There is no way the NWO can beat The Shield.
I mean look at these guys!
They're young.
They're hungry.
And they work as a unit better than any other Fantasy Managers in the league.
[Vic Ambrose]
They said.. he was the one.
That he was prophesied to save the West Coast Cousins.
Well.. here I am, standing before you WCC Champion.
I start from the bottom, but now I am here.
And as far as that other guy is concerned..
Why don't you go back to throwing a football, because you certainly aren't welcome here!
The Shield lift Ambrose on their shoulders and carry the Champion.
*John Seana's Music Hits*
Well hello San Francisco!
*Crowd Cheers*
It seems to me, that we have quite the debate on our hands.
Is Deez Bryan truly a Super Saiyan?
Well.. I'll say..
Taking on the entire NWO and then The Shield in back to back weeks..
That seems mighty worthy to me.
And not to mention, Deez Bryan was actually winning the match until CM PUP made his triumph return!
So, if you ask me, I am a believer.
I believe in Deez Bryan.
But I certainly don't believe in The Shield.
You talk about strength in numbers..
The only strength in numbers that count... are theirs!
*Points at the fans*
Single H, with all due respect, the WCC Championship shouldn't be hidden away and protected.
The WCC Championship should be defended.
I'm not out here to tell you how to run the business.. but these fans, they came out to see a fighting Champion.
So I think it's time we gave the people what they want!
[Stephaneah McMahon]
Who the hell do you think you are?
Are we just going to ignore the fact that Hulk Hogan and the NWO exposed you a few weeks ago on Preview?
We all heard the letter written by Paul Heyman.
You tried to AA Little Jimmy last season.
Who made you the voice of reason?
Well Stephaneah, like I said before..
I don't know what got over me.
Last season when Minh Wyatt kidnapped me..
He ran experiments. He tested the Mind Stone.
He had complete control over me.
And to be honest.. I think it's time we address that issue as well.
How long are we gonna let Minh Wyatt walk around and collect the Infiniti Stones?
What is The Authority doing about that?
[Single H]
Listen to me, John.
You've been watching too much movies.
There are no such things as Infiniti Stones and there are no such things as Super Saiyans.
The only threat we have to worry about, is the NWO.
So John..
No! Listen to the people, Single H!
This isn't a dictatorship, Single H.
We all have a voice.
The people have a voice.
If we don't police the police, who will stand up for what's right?
Your power has gotten to your head, Single H and you're ignoring the facts!
From behind, The Shield attack John Seana!
Seana tries to fight back, but Single H jumps in.
Seana is down and The Authority mock him.
I won over $62,000 dollars by playing one week fantasy football on
You can win money too when you sign up for the leader in one week Fantasy Football tournaments.
Give us your money, so we can give it to someone else.
The Baugh's music hits as Preview returns.
It's electric in here, Michael!
The Baugh is back baby!
The crowd is mixed as The Baugh picks up a microphone.
[The Baugh]
Finally.. The Baugh...
The Baugh stops as he takes in the crowd's reaction.
[The Baugh]
I said... Finally...
*Crowd Boos*
[The Baugh]
The Baugh... HAS COME BACK....
To San Francisco!
*Crowd Cheers*
The Baugh stops as he takes in the crowd's reaction.
[The Baugh]
I said... Finally...
*Crowd Boos*
[The Baugh]
The Baugh... HAS COME BACK....
To San Francisco!
*Crowd Cheers*
[The Baugh]
Yeah? I mean come on, damn!
The Baugh thought he'd come on out here, on The Baugh's show, Preview.
He thought he'd come out and entertain the fans!
The millions and millions!
But you want to boo The Baugh?
The Baugh thought about coming out here and singing a song.
Do you want to hear The Baugh sing a song for San Francisco?
*Crowd Cheers*
[The Baugh]
That's what I thought..
*The Baugh begins to play his guitar*
If you're going to San Francisco....
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
If you're going to San Francisco....
Be sure to avoid those little queers
*Crowd Boos*
[The Baugh]
Whoa.. whoa.. whoa...
Come on, The Baugh didn't mean it.
Come on, we're just having fun.
Check this out.
If you're going to San Francisco...
Be sure to win with class
If you're going to San Francisco...
Make sure watch the Seahawks kick some 49er ass!
*Crowd Boos*
[The Baugh]
Damn The Baugh's still got it.
Hey, hey. Don't boo The Baugh!
You ran your own coach out of town!
Don't blame The Baugh!
You keep booing, I'll get up and leave this piece of crap city as well.
*Chris Waiting's Music Hits*
The fans are surprisingly cheering for Chris Waiting as he interrupts The Baugh.
[Chris Waiting]
Well how about a round of applause.
It's The Great One.
Who do you think you are?
Some Hollywood big shot?
You think you can just come and go and you please?
Unlike you, I take this Fantasy Sport very seriously.
And clearly, you and I have different motivations.
You come here to have fun and entertain the fans.
I come here to win!
[The Baugh]
You come here to win?
For the past couple of weeks all the Baugh has seen you do is bitch and moan!
I'm the League's Points Leader!
Oh noo I lost Jamal Charles!
Jabroni, The Baugh lost Tony Romo and Dez Bryant and he still managed to whoop your monkey ass at Starrcade!
*Dolph Riggler's Music Hits*
Well isn't this cute.
The Baugh and Chris Waiting.
It's like you two were made for each other.
Let me state a little fact for ya.
I won my first game last night.
And before I get a sarcastic applause from the crowd,
I want you to know.
Things are about to change.
I know a little secret that you don't.
Riggler is cut off by the nWo.
Hulk Hogan and the New World Order make their way down to the ring.
Hogan and Baugh stare each other down.
Never exchanging any words as the crowd goes ballistic.
[Chris Waiting]
Excuse me, but are the two of you actually going to say anything?
Or are just you going to gaze into each other's eyes?
Rig Rag on Waiting!
And now the NWO attack both Baugh and Waiting!
[Shane McMahon]
Allow me to introduce to you..
the newest member of the NWO..
The Show Off!
Dolph Riggler!
*Crowd Boos*
[Shane McMahon]
You see, the WCC is still as lost as ever.
They can't get along and they're losing members week after week.
WCC Superstars are petty and bicker among one another.
The WCC isn't a team. They're a time bomb.
Meanwhile the CHF is united as one.
And we're going to prove it this Sunday when NWO members
Sandy Orton and Dolph Riggler take on The Baugh and Chris Waiting!
Hogan and the nWo spray paint Baugh's back.
Waiting and Baugh better get it together, because they're gonna be teammates this Sunday.
CM PUP's music hits
Uh oh.. here we go, Michael.
The return of CM PUP!
CM PUP returned last night at Starrcade,
but much to the surprise of the WCC Universe,
CM PUP actually cost Deez Bryan the Championship match.
Will CM PUP explain his actions?
And there he is carrying his WCC League Championship from last season.
I think he still believes he should be Champion, Michael.
Well.. well.. well..
Here I am in a West Coast Cousins Ring.
A ring, that I promised I would never return to.
So I guess the first question is, why am I back?

Maybe it's because the NWO is taking over the WCC.
Maybe it's because The Authority is on an out of control power trip.
Maybe it's because Minh Wyatt is attempting to collect the Infiniti Stones.
Or maybe it's because the Championship title that Vic Ambrose carries is a farce.
No.. none of those reasons prompted my return to the WCC.
The reason I am back in the West Coast Cousins..
is because Deez Bryan disrespected me.
Deez Bryan blocked me on Facebook and now he's made things personal.
I'm not here to save the WCC.
I'm not here to carry the league.
I'm here to kick Deez Bryan's ass.
*Deez Bryan's Music Hits*

[Deez Bryan]
What is your problem, man?
I disrespected you?
You messaged me on Facebook.
You disrespected me!
And you have the audacity to cost me the WCC Championship match?
This is what brings you back to the WCC?
A few weeks ago, when the NWO had the WCC in the palm of your hands,
where were you?
The WCC Universe needed a hero.
I stepped up and filled that void.
I am a Super Saiyan Fantasy Manager God!
I hate to burst your bubble, Deez.
But there is no such thing.
What makes you think you're suddenly a Super Saiyan?
Because Nick Foley says so?
Nick Foley is crazy, delusional man who took one too many chairshots.
You've got to be kidding me.
Please tell me, you don't actually believe that you fused with Nyback?
You are Lufa!
You aren't a savior!
You are a fraud!
And you know what else, your Facebook statuses..
They aren't funny.
[Deez Bryan]
My last status update got 15 likes!
Who made you the authority on what's funny and what's not?
People like my statuses!
And if you don't, all you had to do was block my statuses.
But now, you've made things personal.
You told everyone not to trade with me!
You cost me the WCC Championship!

What are you, blind?
The WCC Championship is resting on my shoulder.
You want that replica belt, have at it.
You want the real thing..
You know what to do.
Let's settle this the old fashioned way.
Your fantasy team versus my fantasy team.
[Deez Bryan]
Good. That's exactly what I want.
And when I kick your ass, I'm gonna tell everyone on Facebook!
Yeah? Well I bet it won't be funny.
You're better off telling another stupid story about some unwitty comeback against your juvie kids!
Well that escalated quickly!
We're going to find out who comes out on top this Sunday at Judgement Day!
Deez Bryan vs. CM PUP!
The nWo vs. Baugh and Waiting!
And we can't forget the Championship match.
John Seana challenging Vic Ambrose!
Tune in this Sunday exclusively on the WCC Network!
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