Last Season on WCCF Fantasy Football..
Welcome to FantasyMania!
The 2014 WCCF League Championship on the line..
It's gonna be Stone Cold Steve Pupstin vs. The Big Red Machine, Vane!
By God, it's gonna be a slobber knocker!
Who will walk out WCCF League Champion?
Oh, don't worry.
I'm going to tell you where he is.
And that's the point.
You'll have to choose.
Prevent John Seana from interfering in your match and win the WCC League Championship.
Or, you can go back to 1998 and stop the Greater Power from destroying the WCCF.
What will it be? 'Best in The League'?
Save the WCCF.
Or save yourself.
And this Championship match is underway!
Stunner by Pupstin!
Wait a minute... it's one of the Wyatt members!
No! It's John Seana!
My God he's done it!
After 6 long seasons, Stone Cold Steve Pupstin has captured his first WCCF League Championship!
[Little Jimmy]
Why is he leaving, Paul?
Because we have to boo him.
[Little Jimmy]
But he didn't do anything wrong.
Because he's the Champion this league deserves.
But not the one it needs right now...
CM PUP.. You may have won the battle,
But I'm afraid you've lost the war.
The timelines are merged and now there's nothing but... chaos.
It's all part of the plan...
They're coming.
We come to you LIVE from the sold out Madison Square Garden here in New York City and this is the 2015 West Coast Cousins Fantasy Football League!
We come to you LIVE from the sold out Madison Square Garden here in New York City and this is the 2015 West Coast Cousins Fantasy Football League!
Good evening ladies and gentlemen,
I'm Michael Cole alongside my broadcast partner,
Jerry "The King" Lawler and this is Wednesday Night Preview!
Jerry, we are entering our 7th season here at West Coast Cousins
and the 4th season with the integration of wrestling storylines.
Last season ended with a bang as Stone Cold Steve Pupstin captured the WCCF League Championship which resulted in a chain of events leading up to this point.
The timelines have merged and WCC League Champion,
CM PUP, has walked out of the WCC vowing never to return the squared circle.
Rumors went rampant on Social Media, with many fans suggesting that the WCC Wrestling Storylines would come to an end and the WCC as we know it, would never be the same again.
Well Michael, we're here now and I really don't know what to make of all of this.
Chief Operating Officer, Single H, announced earlier this month that the WCC Storylines would continue despite the absence of our Champion, CM PUP.
The show must go on and I guess there is still more story to be told here tonight.
I spoke with head creative writer, Justin Liu, earlier today and he said that he planned to follow in the footsteps of the Fast and the Furious franchise. He plans to run this storyline into the ground.
We may not have a story to tell this season, but regardless, we are here for a new season!
Good evening ladies and gentlemen,
I'm Michael Cole alongside my broadcast partner,
Jerry "The King" Lawler and this is Wednesday Night Preview!
Jerry, we are entering our 7th season here at West Coast Cousins
and the 4th season with the integration of wrestling storylines.
Last season ended with a bang as Stone Cold Steve Pupstin captured the WCCF League Championship which resulted in a chain of events leading up to this point.
The timelines have merged and WCC League Champion,
CM PUP, has walked out of the WCC vowing never to return the squared circle.
Rumors went rampant on Social Media, with many fans suggesting that the WCC Wrestling Storylines would come to an end and the WCC as we know it, would never be the same again.
Well Michael, we're here now and I really don't know what to make of all of this.
Chief Operating Officer, Single H, announced earlier this month that the WCC Storylines would continue despite the absence of our Champion, CM PUP.
The show must go on and I guess there is still more story to be told here tonight.
I spoke with head creative writer, Justin Liu, earlier today and he said that he planned to follow in the footsteps of the Fast and the Furious franchise. He plans to run this storyline into the ground.
We may not have a story to tell this season, but regardless, we are here for a new season!
*Single H's Music Hits*
And perhaps we'll get some answers from The Authority as they make their way to the ring.
Single H and Stephaneah McMahon!
Before Single H can even get a word out, the New York crowd heavily boos.
[Single H]
Welcome everybody... to Wednesday Night Preview!
*Crowd Boos*
[Single H]
Yeah, go on. Chant his name.
Chant it as loud as you can.
It's still not gonna change the fact that CM PUP is not here tonight.
It's still not gonna change the fact that CM PUP
will never play Fantasy Football in this league ever again.
Chant it as loud as you can.
It's still not gonna change the fact that CM PUP is not here tonight.
It's still not gonna change the fact that CM PUP
will never play Fantasy Football in this league ever again.
*Crowd Boos*
[Single H]
You know what? You want to talk about CM PUP?
Let's address CM PUP.
Let's talk about the 800 pound elephant in the room.
CM PUP is the reigning WCC Fantasy Football League Champion.
But CM PUP is not here.
CM PUP is no longer in this league.
You know what? You want to talk about CM PUP?
Let's address CM PUP.
Let's talk about the 800 pound elephant in the room.
CM PUP is the reigning WCC Fantasy Football League Champion.
But CM PUP is not here.
CM PUP is no longer in this league.
CM PUP abandoned us all.
Do I have to roll the footage?
CM PUP won the WCC World Championship
and ran through the crowd never to be seen from again.
and ran through the crowd never to be seen from again.
Go on, roll the footage.
[Single H]
CM PUP is not a Fantasy Manager, CM PUP is a quitter.
CM PUP walked out on the WCC.
CM PUP walked out on you, the WCC Universe.
He took his little ball and he went home.
CM PUP walked out on the WCC.
CM PUP walked out on you, the WCC Universe.
He took his little ball and he went home.
So if you want to boo someone, boo CM PUP.
Because every Fantasy Manager in the back, is working their asses off, day in and day out.
For all of you.
For all of you.
And now, CM PUP is off somewhere training to play in the Ultimate Football Championship,
some stupid Recreational Flag Football League that a bunch of idiots are trying to join...
*Crowd Boos*
[Single H]
Yeah, I said it.
CM PUP is attempting to be a "real" football player.
PUP, you think you're embarrassing the WCC by leaving with our Championship title?
No, the real embarrassment is when you make your UFC Debut and get your ass handed to ya.
Because while you may have been a great Fantasy Manager inside the squared circle,
I don't think you have what it takes to make in "real" football.
some stupid Recreational Flag Football League that a bunch of idiots are trying to join...
*Crowd Boos*
[Single H]
Yeah, I said it.
CM PUP is attempting to be a "real" football player.
PUP, you think you're embarrassing the WCC by leaving with our Championship title?
No, the real embarrassment is when you make your UFC Debut and get your ass handed to ya.
Because while you may have been a great Fantasy Manager inside the squared circle,
I don't think you have what it takes to make in "real" football.
And since you are not here to defend the WCC Championship,
I have no choice but to strip you of the title.
I have no choice but to strip you of the title.
*Crowd Boos*
That's absolutely right.
Because an inactive Champion, isn't a Champion at all.
CM PUP, you don't deserve to be WCC Champion.
You turned your back on all of us,
and the fact of the matter is, the WCC Universe deserves better than that.
The WCC Universe deserves a fighting Champion.
Which is why, Single H and I, the Authority of the WCC,
have decided to name a new Champion!
This Fantasy Manager deserves it more than any Fantasy Manager in the league.
This man has all the accolades to be the biggest Superstar in our industry..
And that man... is Tai Rollins!
*Tai Rollin's Music Hits*
The crowd boos as Tai Rollins makes his way down to the ring.
[Single H]
Give it up for Tai Rollins!
*Crowd Boos*
[Single H]
Oh yes, you see now that I have removed myself from active competition and have assumed my role as Chief Operating Officer of the WCC, I can think of no better Superstar to fill my shoes.
Tai Rollins is a new breed of Fantasy Managing.
Tai Rollins will be the biggest and baddest Superstar the WCC has ever seen.
Which is why, I am passing the torch to Rollins and making him the WCC Champion!
Single H places the belt around Rollin's waist as the New York voices their displeasure.
[Tai Rollins]
Thank you, H.
It's really an honor, to be considered as the future of Fantasy Sports by such a legendary Fantasy Manager such as yourself Single H.
I mean come on, Single H is without a doubt the greatest WCC League Champion this league has ever seen. The only Superstar to win multiple World titles and complete the first and only 3peat.
If that's not dominance, then I don't know what is.
If you're passing the torch to me Single H, well then I've got some big shoes to fill.
And I promise you, I'll match the hype.
I'm going to make you proud of me, Single H.
This is my time now.
I accept the WCC Championship.. and as WCC--
*Dolph Riggler's Music Hits*
Oh myyy... it's the 2013 League Champion, Dolph Riggler!
I think he might have something to say about this.
I don't think he's happy about Tai Rollins being named WCC Champion, Michael.
[Dolph Riggler]
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold it right there.
I think the WCC Universe has had enough ass kissing to last a life time!
[Dolph Riggler]
Now, if you want to see some ass kicking, well that's why The Show Off is here!
Single H, nobody deserves the WCC Championship more than I do!
With CM PUP out of the picture, I am the most recent League Champion on the active roster.
And no offense, Single H, but if I had been in the league during your title runs, there's no way you would've completed a 3peat.
People seem to forget, I joined this league 2 seasons ago.. and I won it in my very first year.
So if anybody should be holding that title right now, it's me!
[Singe H]
Well Dolph, that's very impressive.
You won the WCC League Championship in your very first year..
What did you do last season?
You didn't even make it to FantasyMania.
So Dolph, I'm beginning to wonder, how much of your first title run was beginner's luck?
You expect me to give the title to a Superstar that had such a subpar year last season?
I don't think so.
*SCGD's Music Hits*
The Viper makes her way down to the ring to a mostly negative reaction.
[Single H]
Sandy Orton! The Apex Predator!
It's great to see you.
You know Single H, it's great to see you too.
But with all due respect, it's a little ironic to see you talk about having a subpar season in Fantasy Football.. because there isn't a Fantasy Manager in the league that had a worse 2014 campaign than you did last season.
And I get it, times are tough.
But every time I see you play Fantasy Football, you seem to be getting worse and worse.
As a matter of fact, you haven't been the same Fantasy Manager since 2011...
When I joined the league.
When I came into the picture and became the first WCC Superstar to dethrone the Cerebral Sandwich.
Year after year, you began to steadily decline.. until you decided to retire from active competition.
So in a way, Single H, I sent you to an early retirement.
Then you go ahead and make this kid, the new you?
Is this some kind of joke?
This arrogant little boy, Tai Rollins, is supposed to carry the legacy of Single H?
I'm sorry, but I just don't see it.
You see, all 3 of us in this ring right now, Single H, Dolph Riggler and myself..
We've all won League Championships.
But the only difference is, I was the only one to make it to FantasyMania last season.
According to Yahoo Sports, I had the greatest 2015 Draft in the league.
I am more deadlier than I have ever been..
And you want to know a secret?
You want to know why I'm more deadlier than ever?
It's because of The Other Guy...
Single H, you don't want to make me angry and bring him out.
So I suggest that you take the WCC Championship off of Tai Rolllins and crown a true Champion.
*Vic Ambrose's Music Hits*
Uh ohhh!
Here comes the former Superstar known as Vane..
Being introduced as The Lunavic Fringe, Vic Ambrose!
[Vic Ambrose]
I must be missing something here.. because this isn't quite adding up.
When I look across this ring, all I see are a bunch of has beens who had their time.
As far as I'm concerned, no one came closer to winning the League Championship last season than I did.
And since CM PUP isn't here.. last season's runner up should be WCC Champion by default.
[Single H]
Okay, it's time I settle this once and for all.
You've all made great points and I'm all about proving one's worth.
So this is what we're going to do.
This Sunday at the SummerSlam Pay Per View, exclusively on the WCC Network presented by we're going to have match..
A match too big for FantasyMania!
Tai Rollins vs. Dolph Riggler vs. Sandy Orton vs. Vic Ambrose in a Fatal Four Way Single Elimination Match for the WCC Championship!
*Crowd Cheers*
[Single H]
And this Sunday, Tai Rollins is going to show you exactly why he is the future of Fantasy Sports.. Tai Rollins is going to show you why he is my prediction to win the 2015 League Championship... and this Sunday-
*Toman Reign's Music Hits*
Wait a minute, King!
I don't think we're quite done here yet..
It's Toman Reigns! Coached by the great Jim Tom Sula..
Yeah, but what is he doing out here?!
Single H and Sandy Orton don't look too pleased to see him, King.
But I think Toman Reigns wants a piece of the pie.
[Toman Reigns]
Now I know Single H, that you're not about to make a Championship match with former members of The Shield and not include the leader of that group.
You put me in that match, I guarantee you, I'm walking away WCC Champion.
Now Believe That!
[Tai Rollins]
Whoa, whoa.. hold on just a second.
Leader of The Shield?
You must be kidding me.
We all know that I carried The Shield.
I was The Shield.
And besides, the match has already been made.
Fatal Four Way Single Elimination Match.
It's already tough as it is. It would be completely unfair to include Toman Reigns.
[Single H]
I'm afraid Tai is right, Toman.
It would be unfair to include you in this match.
But I just had a brilliant idea.
I'm all about giving opportunity.
So Toman Reigns, I'm going to give you an opportunity.
Tonight, you're going to be in a match.
And if you win this match, you're in the main event at SummerSlam.
*Crowd Cheers*
[Single H]
And your opponents... the Director of Operations, Cal Bears!
And The Big Show!
Oh please, that's not fair at all..
It's absolutely fair, Michael!
Toman Reigns should be grateful that he's even given an opportunity!
Single H is in a giving mood!
Oh give me a break..
[Minh Wyatt]
Chaos is coming.
The WCC Universe is coming to an end.
You see, your greatest flaw is your pride and ego.
It's a fatal mistake.
Winning a meaningless war, that ultimately results in your demise.
[Minh Wyatt]
Hahaha... I have merged our worlds and brought great chaos to our Universe.
And the beauty is..
I have no control over what comes next.
Chaos cannot be controlled. It cannot be contained.
A New World Order of Fantasy Sports is upon us.
You see, it's Fear that drives all human emotions.
It is Fear that stands alone in the darkness.
And I am that Lord that shall harness that Darkness.
Oh yesss...
I have undertaken that role.
I am..
[Minh Wyatt]
The New Face of Fear.
Folks, welcome back to Wednesday Night Preview and what a show it's been so far.
Chief Operating Officer, Single H, has announced his retirement from active competition and with so many new characters being introduced tonight, who will become the next WCC Champion?
Well I think we're going to see a few more faces before the night is over, Cole.
*Chris Waiting's Music Hits*

Chris Waiting makes his way down to the ring to a chorus of boos.
[Chris Waiting]
Welcome.. to Preview is Waiting!
Let me first start by saying that last season was a complete travesty!
Last season, I came onto the scene and I was the absolute best Fantasy Manager in the league.
Everyone knows it.
You know it and I know it.
I had more points than any other manager in the league, even more than the "Champion" CM PUP.
But for some strange reason, I didn't even get an invitation to FantasyMania.
[Chris Waiting]
How is it, that the league's leader in points doesn't even make it into the Top 6?
I'll tell you why, it's because of a conspiracy.
Ever since the Bus Driver took control of the wheel, this character, my character, has been buried time and time again.
The WCC Braintrust, they can't have Chris Waiting go to FantasyMania..
Because he'll outshine everyone.
He'll steal the show.
So even though I put on the best matches and score the most points,
the powers that be, will never book me to be the face of the League.
Hell, I didn't even win Rookie of the Year, last season.
You want to talk about corruption?
They gave the Rookie of the Year award to some Big Red Retard.
That, my friends, is complete disrespect.
[Chris Waiting]
But that's not going to happen this year.
Oh no, because I have taken on a protege that will take the league by storm.
Not only, will this Superstar that I'm about to introduce, lead the league in points...
But he's going to lead the league in wins.
Under my advisement and leadership, this young man will go to FantasyMania.
And not only that, he's going to win the whole damn thing.
Give it up... for Kevin "Waiting" Owens!
*Kevin Owen's Music Hits*
*Crowd Cheers*
Take a look at this!
It's Kevin "Waiting" Owens, Michael!
Ladies and gentlemen, that is the NXT Champion!
Kevin "Waiting" Owens!
And this is going to be interesting.
For those of you who are not familiar with NXT, the WCC's Developmental Fantasy League exclusively on the WCC Network..
Kevin Owens is as cold and calculated as they come.
And it now appears that Kevin Owens is now under the guidance of Chris Waiting.
[Kevin Waiting]
Thank you, Chris.
And you're absolutely right.
I'm here in the WCC to make a name for myself,
and I would like to recognize my mentor, Chris Waiting, for taking me to the next level.
Which is why I have taken on the "Waiting" moniker.
There is no learning curve for me.
I plan on hitting the ground running...
[Kevin Waiting]
I'm calling you out, poster boy.
I want the best.. and if you're the face of the WCC, then I want you!
*John Seana's Music Hits*

The crowd cheers with a few boos as Seana makes his 2015 debut.
*Towards the Camera*
Ask and you shall receive!

Seana runs down to the ring and does his signature pose.
The crowd is eating it up as Seana turns around..
Kevin Waiting hits Seana with a Pop Up Powerbomb!
The crowd boos Kevin Waiting as he stands over John Seana.
[Kevin Waiting]
I'm all business, John.
The sooner you realize that, the better chance you'll stand.
You're going down at SummerSlam!
Chris Waiting looks on impressed with his protege.
*Lufa's Music Hits*
Madison Square Garden is on their feet!
It's the triumphant return of Lufa to WCC Television!
Hey everyone.
It's been a long time since I've stepped foot in a WCC ring.
But I wanted to be the first to let the WCC Universe know..
I have been cleared by Dr. James Andrews and I am ready to compete this season in the WCC!
*Crowd Cheers*
Yes! That's right!
I am back and I am prepared to compete at a high level.
Yes! That's right!
I am back and I am prepared to compete at a high level.
I'm ready to become World Champion.
I am dedicating myself to this league and I promise the fans, I will be active this season.
So Single H..
I want in on the Championship Match this Sunday at SummerSlam!
So Single H..
I want in on the Championship Match this Sunday at SummerSlam!
*Crowd Cheers*
Nyback's Music Hits and Interrupts Lufa.
*Crowd Boos*
Lufa, welcome back.
But I've got a bit of a warning for you.
The WCC isn't the same league it was when you were playing.
The WCC isn't the same league it was when you were playing.
This league is competitive and there isn't that many spots on the main roster.
What makes you think that after taking a year off, you automatically deserve a shot at the title?
If you want a spot, you're gonna have to play me for it.
No disrespect, Nyback.
But even though you may have had a more active career than I have..
I have something that you don't.
A playoff win.
So I don't need to prove myself to you--
*Nick Foley's Music Hits*
A standing ovation for Nick Foley!
It's the Hardcore Legend, King!
Nick Foley!
Oh great! Who let this homeless man into the building?!
[Nick Foley]
Lufa, Nyback.
I gotta say it's real great to see you the two you,
live on Wednesday Night Preview, RIGHT HERE in NEW YORK CITY!
*Crowd Cheers*
[Nick Foley]
But I'm afraid, there is a much larger issue that we have to address.
I can't help but think that the WCC Championship Match is nothing but a huge distraction for what's about to come.
live on Wednesday Night Preview, RIGHT HERE in NEW YORK CITY!
*Crowd Cheers*
[Nick Foley]
But I'm afraid, there is a much larger issue that we have to address.
I can't help but think that the WCC Championship Match is nothing but a huge distraction for what's about to come.
Am I the only one paying attention to Minh Wyatt's promos?
He warned us about an oncoming apocalypse.
Why isn't anyone paying attention?
Something bad is about to happen to this league.
I fear that the nWo is coming to the WCC.
Why isn't anyone paying attention?
Something bad is about to happen to this league.
I fear that the nWo is coming to the WCC.
[Nick Foley]
So I believe that energy spent facing one another would be a huge waste.
The two of you, shouldn't be fighting.
You should be working together.
It's time to combine our forces.
Because gentlemen, Winter is coming.
And if we don't learn to live together, we're going to die alone.
So I believe that energy spent facing one another would be a huge waste.
The two of you, shouldn't be fighting.
You should be working together.
It's time to combine our forces.
Because gentlemen, Winter is coming.
And if we don't learn to live together, we're going to die alone.
What on earth are you talking about?
You must've been smacked with one too many chair shots to the head.
I'm sorry Nick, but Minh Wyatt's prophecies are nothing but a hoax.
The nWo is a myth!
It's like Global Warming!
Nothing is going to happen.
[Nick Foley]
I pray that you're right, Lufa.
But if you're wrong..
Well, let's just say I'm not willing to sit back and wait for something to happen.
If what Minh Wyatt claims is true,
then we're talking about league wide extinction.
Every fantasy team, every fantasy player, every single storyline.
Destroyed by nWo.
But we can prevent that.
The two of you, must combine your fantasy expertise.
Fuse into one character.
Come with me and we can prepare for The Order.
I'm not going anywhere with you.
The Nyback character isn't going anywhere!
[Nick Foley]
I'm sorry to burst your bubble, Nyback, but nobody likes you.
Your character is a generic create a wrestler, at best, a poor man's Goldberg wearing RVD wrestling attire.
Fans aren't lining up to read about your storylines, Nyback.
[Nick Foley]
But we can change that.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Nyback, you have the hunger, you have the desire to be a Champion.
And Lufa, you have the character, the charisma, but your inactivity over the years has resulted in your character to be left out of the story.
Together, we can form the ultimate Fantasy Team.
We can prepare for the nWo.
But it's going to take time and patience.
Long nights, watching the waiver wire.
Nyback, do you want to win a playoff game?
Lufa, do you have to be an active character and receive more storylines?
Toman Reigns is in the ring as we get set for our main event of the evening.
Out come The Authority Representatives, Big Show and Cal Bears!
Big Show and Cal Bears overpower Reigns early.
The two giants are just too much, this isn't fair at all!
*The Baugh's Music Hits*
But wait a minute!
Here comes The Baugh!
The Baugh is on Preview!
The Baugh cleans house!
Baugh Bottom! Baugh Bottom!

And a Superman punch by Reigns!
Winner via Pinfall: Toman Reigns
Toman Reigns is going to SummerSlam!
In a match dubbed too big for FantasyMania,
Toman Reigns has officially entered the 5-Man Single Elimination Match
for the WCC Championship!

Take a look at this!
It's Toman Reigns and The Baugh.
What a moment we're looking at King.

The Baugh and Reigns embrace one another.

[The Baugh]
Give it up! Come on!
Give it up for Toman Reigns!
Without a shadow of a doubt,
The Baugh says this, you are staring at the FUTURE of the WCC!
Toman Reigns, The Baugh respects ya kid.
You got a lot of heart and you kick a lot of ass.
I've watched you from the back and I can honestly say,
this Sunday, The Baugh knows in his heart.
You are staring at the next WCC Champion!

[The Baugh]
The Baugh had to come out here tonight and meet you face to face.
Man to man.
And show you love.
But that's not the only reason The Baugh came out here tonight.
No, no, no..
The Baugh came out here to address the WCC Universe!
Theres been a lot of talk about CM PUP walking out on the WCC.
CM PUP took his ball and went home.
Well the Baugh says to hell with CM PUP!
*Crowd Cheers*
[The Baugh]
Earlier tonight, when The Baugh arrived at this arena,
I took a good look at everyone in the back.
All of those guys are here because they want to be here.
They draft their players, they set up their teams, they add players...
You love them for that, and they do it because they love it.
So The Baugh says this.. if there's anybody in the back, I swear to God, I honestly mean this..
If there's any Fantasy Manager that doesn't want to play in this league,
then just like the slogan says, you can get the F out!
*Crowd Cheers*
[The Baugh]
So... The Baugh says this..
The Baugh is back, The Baugh is back for The People..
The Baugh is committed to this league.
The Baugh is ready to kick some ass..
*The Baugh's Phone Starts Ringing*
[The Baugh]
Oh, hold on a second.
Excuse The Baugh, his cell phone's ringing.
I gotta take this.
*The Baugh Picks Up His Phone*
Oh, come on!
What kind of commitment is this?
He's got a call. Sometimes you just gotta take the call.
He's a busy man, Michael!
[The Baugh]
*Crowd Boos*
[The Baugh]
... Excuse The Baugh.
He's talking to his PERSONAL ASSISTANT!
The Baugh's not gonna take long.
Just do The Baugh a favor, and keep it down!
*Crowd Boos Even Louder*
[The Baugh]
Yeah, yeah... The Fast and The Furious starts filming tomorrow?
Well, hell yeah! The Baugh'll be on the first flight out.
You think The Baugh wants to spend one more night with all these hicks?!
*Crowd Boos*
[The Baugh]
No, no, no, no, no!
The Baugh doesn't mean you people.
The Baugh means all these hickory trees, you've got a lot of hickory trees in New York, damn!
But you know what, forget all that, The Baugh's got a movie to film.
The Baugh's a big action star and I don't have time to play Fantasy Football this season.
So, The Baugh's gotta go..
*Crowd Boos*
[The Baugh]
Toman Reigns, best of luck to ya kid.
Hold it down while The Baugh is gone.
Entertain the millions and millions of Th Baugh's fans.
Try not to bore the living hell out of them while I'm gone.
You've got my full endorsement, I respect the hell out of you.
But I've got to go film Fast 8...

The crowd boos as The Baugh raises Toman Reign's hand,
passing the torch to the young WCC Superstar.
Toman Reigns poses, but the crowd is not pleased.
And an RKO from out of no where by SCGD!
The Apex Predator strikes, taunting Toman Reigns.
But it's Tai Rollins with the Curb Stomp on Sandy Orton!
Riggler with the Fame Asser on Rolllins!
Dirty Deeds by Vic Ambrose!
Ambrose grabs the WCC Championship as the crowd erupts.
Are we looking at the next WCC Champion?
Who will come out on top this Sunday at SummerSlam?
The WCC Championship on the line!
Vic Ambrose vs. Tai Rollins vs. Toman Reigns vs.
Sandy Orton vs. Dolph Riggler.
One man will walk out WCC Champion.
Kevin Waiting vs. John Seana.
And what on earth is Nick Foley and Minh Wyatt up to?
Find out this Sunday at SummerSlam!
Thank you and good night!
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