The Underchucker vs. Chris Waiting
Underchucker reverses the Walls of Waiting and locks in the Hell's Gate!
Winner via Submission: The Underchucker
Underchucker now improves to 3-4, making his slow rise back into the main event.
Chris Waiting drops to 2-5, despite leading the league in points.
Singles Match
Kurt Crabble vs. Rock Michaels
Rock Michaels with a shot the face of Kurt Crabble! Sending Crabble to the canvas.
Winner via Pinfall: Rock Michaels
Rock Michaels now enters the Top 6, dropping Kurt Crabble out of it.
Winner via Pinfall: Rock Michaels
Rock Michaels now enters the Top 6, dropping Kurt Crabble out of it.
WCCF Intercontinental Championship Match
Vane vs. The Baugh (C)
The Most Electrifying Move in Fantasy Sports Entertainment!
The People's Elbow!
Winner via Pinfall and STILL WCCF Intercontinental Champion: The Baugh
It appears that The Baugh has now put last season behind him as he is now in good position to make a run for FantasyMania.
Singles Match
Single H vs. Stone Cold Steve Pupstin
Stunner! Stunner!
Stone Cold Stunner on Single H!
Winner via Pinfall: Stone Cold Steve Pupstin
Yes! Hell yes!
Stone Cold has done it.
He has beaten Single H and remains in pole position heading into Week 8.
An impressive 5-2... Ston--
Wait a second.. what is this?
What's going on, JR?!
The lights turn back on.

Look! My God!
Ahh! Stone Cold's been attacked!
He's drenched in blood, King!

He's got the whole league....
In his hands!
He's got the whole wide league....
In his hands!
He's got the whole league....
In his hands!
He's got the whole wide league....
In his hands!
WCCF Championship Match
SC Lesnar vs. Nick Foley (C)
Cobra Claw by Nick Foley! And SCGD has no choice but to tap out!
Winner via Submission and STILL WCCF World Champion: Nick Foley
Heyman is in shock!
SC Lesnar's win streak ends at 4, losing the most crucial match of the season for SCGD.
Nick Foley is handed the WCCF Championship and celebrates..
Wait a minute!
Rock Michaels just Superkicked Nick Foley to hell!
Why Rock? Why?!
I guess we'll have to tune in tomorrow night on Preview to find out why Rock Michaels made a heel turn!
Goodnight everybody!
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