Present Day WCC 2014
Ladies and gentlemen longest written episodic blog in Fantasy Sports history!
This is WCC Fantasy Football!
And ladies and gentlemen, we are just weeks away from FantasyMania..
Where the defending WCC League Champion, Dolph Riggler is scheduled to defend his league title against the rest of the league!
And there you see Riggler training for FantasyMania.
He's working up a sweat, Michael!
I'm getting tired just watching him!
Yeah, but you can see the arrogance of last season's Rookie of the Year.
Dolph Riggler has become full of himself ever since he won the League Championship in his very first year.
Well he should be, Michael!
Winning the WCCF League Championship is no easy task.
And to do it in your very first year?
Well, that's quite an accomplishment!
Meanwhile backstage...
[AJ Lee]
Hey PUP!
Hey AJ, how is the time traveling going?
I figured that since we're all still here and I'm still not WCC Champion..
John Seana hasn't finished his mission yet.
[AJ Lee]
Well... PUP... I don't know how to tell you this...
But John Seana never made it back.
He's gone.
He was taken by Bray Wyatt and The Wyatt Family a few weeks ago.
Why didn't you tell me?!
What the hell have you been doing for the last few weeks?
And how the hell did Bray Wyatt go back into the past?
AJ Lee becomes hysterical.
[AJ Lee]
See... th-this is exactly-ly why I didn't wanttt to tell you!
Okay... okay... calm down.
We just have to figure something out.
Paul... Bray Wyatt somehow went back in time and abducted John Seana.
PUP.. I was afraid this might happen.
Have you heard of the wormhole theory?
It's a theory that you can merge space-time in the 5th dimension and bring together time periods.
If you can take two very distant points in time.. and bend space-time, you can in theory blend those time periods together.
So you think Bray Wyatt has created a worm hole?
I think he's trying to.
I have to go back.
I have to find John Seana and I have to stop Bray Wyatt.
It's too dangerous, PUP.
It's the Attitude Era.
Even John Seana couldn't handle it.
John Seana?
I'm not John Seana.
I'm CM PUP and I'm The Best in The League!
AJ, take me to 1998!
WCCF 1998
WCCF Preview kicks off with Rock Michaels checking his fantasy team.
[Rock Michaels]
Username: Rock's Team....
Pass...... word.... I'm Just A Sexy Boy.
[Rock Michaels]
74.12 POINTS?!
[Rock Michaels]
Shane! You've got to do something about Vane!
He just cost me my match last night!
That son of a bitch dropped Ben Tate and I picked him up!
Relax, Rock.
I got this. We're gonna take care of it.
[Rock Michaels]
You better. Because I still haven't clinched a playoff spot.
I need to defend my League Championship.. and I can't do that if Vane is interfering my matches!
He's your new recruit, that's your responsibility!
And if it's him or me for a FantasyMania spot... I'm gonna knock him out!
Welcome to WCCF Preview ladies and gentlemen,
Michael Cole in place for Jim Ross tonight.
And King, we are just 2 weeks away from FantasyMania!
And with only 2 Playoff Spots remaining.. it's going to be a tight finish!
Currently the standings have Vane and Rock Michaels in the 5th and 6th spot with Chris Waiting, Kurt Crabble and The Underchucker in the hunt, vying for those 2 last remaining spots.
With crucial matchups upcoming, who do you think are favorites to land the final 2 spots?
I mean yeah, Michael. It's crucial, and we'll get to that...
But I want to know where Jim Ross is.
Why are you in place for him?
Well last night at Baugh Bottom, I coined the phrase "WCCF Universe"
and I think Mr. McMahon really liked it.
I certainly can't replace Jim Ross and would never take his job..
But I could potentially be the future Voice of the WCC...
Michael Cole is cut off by The Wyatts.
Can you see it, Los Angeles?
The City of Angels.
I'm going to show you something beautiful.
The whole league... screaming for mercy.

Nick Foley. Stone Cold. Chris Waiting.
John Seana.
You're all puppets...
Strangled in strings.
You follow my command.
You are the puppet and I am the puppeteer.
There are no strings.... on me!
*Chris Waiting's music hits*
Right on cue!
Bray.... will you please...
THE.... HELL..... UP!
*Crowd Cheers*
I don't care about all of this puppet crap and
sheep talk that you've been spewing for the past few weeks...
But last night, you cost me my match at Baugh Bottom.
I'm fighting for a playoff spot, Bray!
I need to go to FantasyMania.
I have to go to FantasyMania.
I am STILL the League's points leader and I am still on the outside looking in.
And right now Bray, I'm holding you personality responsible!
Hahahaha.... So Chris, I'm guessing you want an explanation?
You will in a world of self indulgence.
Why you?
Chris, this has nothing to do with you!
And it has everything to do with him.
Because he is coming.
But when he gets here...
He'll see that what he was looking for...
is already gone.
I've had enough of your riddles, Bray!
It's time you pay for your actions!
Then do something about it, Chris!
Wyatt gets in Waiting's face, and Waiting retaliates!
*CM PUP's Music Hits*
CM PUP appears on stage and the crowd erupts!
Bray Wyatt turns his attention to CM PUP.
PUP runs down towards the ring.
The Wyatt's Cut In and disappear from ringside, leaving Waiting in the ring.
Where did he go?!
Bray Wyatt... show yourself you coward!
What did you do with John Seana?
Come on back out here so I can kick your ass!
*Crowd Cheers*
Well hold on there, Junior.
If anyone is getting a shot at Bray Wyatt..
It's me!
Listen, Bus Drivers.
This doesn't concern you.
I have a much bigger issue at hand and I don't have a lot of time...
Bus Drivers?!
I am NOT Bus Drivers.. I am Chris Waiting!
And I am the best in the league at what I do...
I don't even know who the hell you are!
I'm CM PUP.. and I am the Best in The League!
And you're getting on my last nerve!
I don't have an issue with you, "Chris Waiting."
But the only thing you're waiting for is an ass kicking!
So I suggest you get out of my face before I make you go to sleep!
From out of no where, Waiting hits a Code Breaker on CM PUP!
CM PUP.. welcome to the WCCF..
WCCF Preview returns with the entrance of The Corporation.
WCCF Preview returns with the entrance of The Corporation.
*Crowd Boos*

[The Baugh]
The Baugh says this... last night, The Baugh showed the world why he is the Most Electrifying Man in Fantasy Entertainment.. when he whooped that piece of Olympic Gold trash and retained the WCCF Championship. The Baugh showed exactly why he is The Corporate Champion...
when he punched his ticket to FantasyMania!
*Crowd Boos*

[The Baugh]
But Vince, there's just been one thing...
[The Baugh]
Vince, there's just been one thing, that's been bothering The Baugh.
And it's the fact that Stone Cold Steve Pupstin won last night and clinched a Playoff Spot as well!
*Crowd Cheers*
[The Baugh]
Stone Cold is going to FantasyMania.. and it's all thanks to this Big Red Retard right here!
[The Baugh]
Look at this retard!
It doesn't get any more retarded than that.
You better know your damn role before Vince and The Baugh send your ass back to that nut farm!
Vince McMahon separates The Baugh and Vane.
[Mr. McMahon]
Baugh, don't worry. I got this.
[Mr. McMahon]
Vane, what the hell were you thinking?!
What were you thinking in that small little brain of yours.. when you attacked Rock Michaels!
When you let Stone Cold win the match!
I grant you a guaranteed FantasyMania spot and this is how you repay me?!
What the hell is wrong with you?!
[Mr. McMahon]
Vane, this is what we're gonna do.
You've got an issue with Rock Michaels... and Rock Michaels has an issue with you.
So this Sunday... you've got my permission to rip the living hell out of each other!
Because I revoking your Playoff Spot, Vane!
If you want it back.. you're gonna have to EARN IT!
But after this Sunday.. after you've released all your aggression...
We're gonna come back together, damnit.
And we're gonna work as a TEAM, Vane.
A team! Not like the Los Angeles Lakers...
But a team damnit!
*Crowd Boos*
[Mr. McMahon]
And now to other matters...
Last week on Preview,
Kurt Crabble sealed his fate when he decided to go up against The Corporation.
When he decided to challenge The Baugh for the WCCF Championship..
And now his season is in jeopardy.
[Mr. McMahon]
Let that be a lesson to you all.
To everyone in the back.
You don't cross the boss.
[Mr. McMahon]
One more loss on the season and Kurt Crabble will be mathematically eliminated from the post season.
So who better to finish the job than The King of Kings.
Single H!
*Crowd Boos*
[Single H]
Kurt, my season is over.
There is no way that I'm going to Fantasymania this season.
But I would love nothing more than to ends yours!
[Single H]
Even in my down year, I'm gonna bury you!
I've put together 2 wins in a row now and this is the first step to my climb back to the top.
Next season, I will be the WCCF League Champion.
Because I am The Game and I am that DAMN good!
[The Baugh]
I hope everyone in the back is watching.
Because Kurt Crabble is a prime example of what happens when you play Fantasy against The Corporation.
[The Baugh]
Cause The Baugh will tell you this...
A lot of you jabronis in the back think that The Baugh doesn't belong.
That he cherry picked his way to the top.
With just the second lowest scoring total in the league, The Baugh managed to clinch a spot at FantasyMania.
Well The Baugh'll tell you this.
All you jabronis can kiss the Corporate ass!
[The Baugh]
You can have your moralities, your blood, sweat and tears.
Scouting players for weeks. Staying up until midnight when waivers clear.
Working hard to try and make it to the top.
While The Baugh aligns himself with Vince McMahon and is spoon fed to the top!
Because The Baugh did all that.
The Baugh scouted his players, he worked his ass off.
And what did The Baugh get in return?
Absolutely nothing!
So you can take your morality and stick it straight up your candy ass!
[The Baugh]
The Baugh is cut off by Nick Foley, who appears on the titantron.
[Nick Foley]
You know Baugh... for a while there.
I really thought you and I could be friends.
That we had something going.
The Baugh N' Kai Connection.
But it's obvious now, that you've succumb to the dark side!
[Nick Foley]
You've gone off the deep end! And now you've lost all respect from The People!
The ones that matter most!
And now, instead of the MILLIONS and MILLIONS...
All you have left... is the TENS and TENS... of Baugh Fans!
We all know Baugh, without The Corporation, you are nothing!
You couldn't beat anyone in this league straight up!
How can this be your Champion, Vince?
A coward to hides behind a snake like you!
[Mr. McMahon]
The Baugh a coward?
That's where you're mistaken, Nick.
I wouldn't pick a coward to be my Champion.
The Baugh is the ideal Fantasy Superstar.
He's intelligent, charismatic, cuts good promos, adds quality players, and makes all the right starts.
And I'll show you Nick, that The Baugh isn't afraid of anyone.
Because this Sunday, you will go one on one with The Great One.
Nick Foley versus The Baugh for the WCCF Championship!
And The Baugh will show you what a true Champion looks like.
[The Baugh]
And you know what else, Nick Foley?
You deranged piece of monkey crap.
You dare call The Baugh out?
You dare call The Brahma Bull a coward?
The Baugh will do you one further.
You, Nick Foley, you ugly piece of garbage..
The Baugh will even let you pick the type of match!
Go ahead! Pick your poison, The Baugh will still kick your candy ass!
[Nick Foley]
Well Baugh.. that's quite an offer.
And I'd be a fool not to take full advantage of that deal.
So Baugh.. this Sunday at Taboo Tuesday...
You and I will go one on one in a....
*Crowd Cheers*
[Nick Foley]
Baugh, I've been thrown off cells, dropped on thumb tacks, broken in half on flaming tables...
I've torn my patellar tendon.
But the one thing that I have never said in a Fantasy Game is.. "I Quit!"
So if you want to walk out of Taboo Tuesday WCCF Champion, you're gonna have to do the impossible!
But Baugh, you won't be walking out of Sunday at all unless you scream:
You heard it first, folks.
The Baugh may have dug himself into a hole as he faces Nick Foley this Sunday for the WCCF Championship in an I Quit Match!
And with 5 Superstars fighting for just 2 playoff spots.. who will come away with a win this Sunday in one of the most crucial weeks of the season!
Rock Michaels vs. Vane!
Underchucker vs. SC Lesnar!
CM PUP vs. Chris Waiting!
And Single H vs. Kurt Crabble!
Find out this Sunday only on Pay Per View!
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