The glass breaks and we kick off WCCF Preview with the Rattlesnake, Stone Cold Steve Pupstin!
Pupstin makes his way to the ring carrying the WCCF Intercontinental Championship.
*Crowd Cheers*

You know, since last night, I've been carrying around this little piece of crap everywhere I go.
The WCCF Intercontinental Championship.
I look at this scrap of metal you call a Championship.. and I can't help but think..
This just doesn't cut it.
*Crowd Cheers*
I look up at the official WCCF Standings and I see myself in first place with a record of 4-1.
Hell, I'm the WCCF points leader.
Yet, I am not the WCCF Champion.
And that just don't sit right with Stone Cold.
I look at my one and only loss.. a few weeks back to Kurt Crabble.
And hell, I know I can beat Kurt Crabble's ass.
I whooped his ass for 23 minutes..
I think I should be standing here, WCCF Champion.
*Crowd Cheers*
But do you want to know why I'm not WCCF Champion?
Two words.
John Seana.
*Crowd Cheers*
For weeks you've been crying about this future crap.
Well son, I thought you were nuts a few weeks ago.
But that didn't matter. As long as you didn't stick your little nose into my affairs, Stone Cold could give a rat's ass if you thought you were future, the past, or if you thought you were the second coming of the lord himself.
But you didn't do that, did ya John Seana?
You stuck your nose where it didn't belong and you cost me the WCCF Championship title.
So I say, you get your wrist band wearing ass out here and we settle this once and for all.
*Crowd Cheers*
*The Baugh's Music Plays*
Whoa now. That is not John Seana.
It certainly isn't JR! It's the most electrifying man in Fantasy Sports Entertainment!
The Baugh!
After a rough start to the season, The Baugh has strung together an impressive 2 game win streak as he looks to regain relevance in the league.
[The Baugh]
Stone Cold..
The Baugh doesn't know what your issue with John Seana is,
and quite frankly, The Baugh could care less.
By all accounts, John Seana seems like a nice guy.
He's just a young Superstar looking to make it in this league.
You and I have been there..
[The Baugh]
You and I have history, Pupstin.
We came into this league together.
Rose through the ranks, battle in a number of Fantasy Matchups..
You came up raising hell and whooping ass.
The Baugh came up electrifying crowds and dropping elbows.
You and I did that.
And I did that so that I could be here today to say...
[The Baugh]
*Crowd Cheers*
[The Baugh]
Now let The Baugh set the record straight, I am not your friend, Pupstin.
As far as The Baugh is concerned, you are just another piece of trailer park trash that's in the way of The Baugh becoming the WCCF Champion.
You talk about being 4-1, you talk about being the best in the league.
Well The Baugh says this... it doesn't matter if you're 4-1.
Because after Sunday, that record will read... 4 and 2.
[The Baugh]
All season long, The Baugh has been working towards rebuilding his reputation.
To put last season behind him and climb his way back to the main event.
To headline FantasyMania.
And right now, the only thing I can see is a bald headed son of a bitch that's primed to get his ass whooped this Sunday at Backlash.
[The Baugh]
So you can waste your time exchanging long drawn out promos with John Seana that ultimately lead go nowhere.
Or you can step in the ring with a real Fantasy Manager like The Baugh.
Ahhh! It's Mr. McMahon JR!
[Mr. McMahon]
Ladies and gentlemen, we are approaching the mid way point in the WCCF Season...
And at this time... I would like to introduce to you..
Your WCCF Champion...
[Mr. McMahon]
Vane makes his way down to ringside accompanied by Paul Bearer.

Mr. McMahon...
It is such a honor for my son VANE..
To stand here tonight.. WCCF CHAMPION!
*Crowd Boos*

[Mr. McMahon]
Vane. When I look at you..
I see a monster.
I see a beast capable of carnage and destruction.
Capable of being any WCCF Superstar that steps foot in this ring.
It's no surprise. Just look at your point output this season.
The amount of points you have put up over the course of the last few weeks have been off the charts.
Vane. When I look at you..
I see a Champion.
I see someone that can rightfully wear that belt and represent this league.
As far as I am concerned, you are more of a Champion than that S.O.B. Stone Cold Steve Pupstin.
So it is my distinct honor to present you with the WCCF Championship..

Mr. McMahon places the belt around Vane.

*Cobra Kai's Music Interrupts the Ceremony*

*Crowd Cheers*
What's this idiot doing out here?!

Listen to this ovation, for the Draft Champion, Cobra Kai!
These fans are idiots too!

[Cobra Kai]
Excuse me for interrupting, Vince..

[Cobra Kai]
But if I recall, I remember a certain somebody promised me a WCCF Championship title shot if I beat Stone Cold Steve Pupstin at No Way Out.

[Mr. McMahon]
You must have hit your head one too many times, because you DIDN'T beat Stone Cold Steve Pupstin.
You lost. What the hell is wrong with you?!
[Cobra Kai]
Well my remember isn't the greatest thing in the world these days..
But I do remember that you told me that I was your guy.
That I was your Champion.
Remember? You gave me the Yahoo Draft Championship.

[Mr. McMahon]
Listen to yourself, Nick.
Do you honestly believe that I could back a Superstar such as yourself?
I mean, look at you!
Nobody wants their Champion to look like YOU.
They want their Champion to look like this..
To look like VANE!
Aw come on.
Leave the poor kid alone.

[Mr. McMahon]
I'll tell you what, Nick.
You want a title shot?
You want a piece of Vane?
I'll give it to you..
On one condition.
I want you to beg.
Get on your knees and BEG!
This is going too far.

[Cobra Kai]
Well Vince.. my father wasn't apart of my life.
He left when I was young.. and I've always considered you a father figure.
And if you want me to get on my knees and beg you for a title shot..
I'll do it.
*Cobra Kai gets on his knees as the crowd begins to boo*
[Cobra Kai]
Please... Mr. McMahon.
Give me a title shot.
Give me a chance to be your Champion.
Let me represent this league in your honor..

[Mr. McMahon]
Look at you..
Do you really think that I would ever allow you to be Champion?
A deranged FREAK..
A true Champion doesn't get on his knees.
A true Champion doesn't BEG for a title shot.
You're not Championship material.
In fact, I don't think you've got what it takes to play in this league, period.
It was just a few weeks ago in Week 2 when you told the Commissioner that you were getting ready to give up on this league.
So you know what we're gonna do?
Cobra Kai..
*Mr. McMahon is cut off by Shane McMahon*
*Crowd Cheers*

Look, King!
It's Shane McMahon!
Vince McMahon's son!
What's he doing here, JR?!

Well he showed up last night at No Way Out as a referee and made the 3 count giving Stone Cold Steve Pupstin the win against Cobra Kai!
[Shane McMahon]
Sup, dad?
Surprised to see me?
Well, you should get used to it, Vince.
Because I just flew in from Connecticut and I had a meeting with the Board of Directors.
[Shane McMahon]
And you see Vince, they've been watching the program for the past few weeks and to be quite honest, they haven't exactly been pleased with your leadership.
They say you've gone on a power trip.
That you abuse your power and favor certain Superstars over others.
Vince, the Board of Directors had a vote on your future as the Owner of the WCCF..
And they voted "No Confidence."
[Shane McMahon]
So as of this moment, Vince..
You are being placed on Probation.
And 25% of your Ownership of the WCCF has been given to your next of kin..
In other words.. ME!
*Crowd Cheers*
[Shane McMahon]
And with my first act as co-owner of the WCCF..
I will grant Cobra Kai a shot at the WCCF Championship this Sunday at Backlash!
*Crowd Cheers*
[Shane McMahon]
In on corner.. the Yahoo Draft Champion, Cobra Kai!
And in the other, the WCCF Champion, The Big Red Machine, Vane!
*Crowd Cheers*
What a match, King!
Mr. McMahon is in shock!
He can't believe it!
[Cobra Kai]
Hi Shane.
I really do appreciate you helping me out..
I think that's one hell of a match..
But I have one more request..
[Cobra Kao]
How about we increase the stakes..
How about we make this match just a little bit sweeter..
How about...
What say you, Vane?!
Ah! Vane accepted!
What a match!
Cobra Kai versus Vane for the WCCF Championship..
Hell In a Cell!
Hell In a Cell!
WCCF Attitude Promo
I know what you're thinking..
[The Underchucker]
I'm not a real Football player.
[Single H]
I'm just a Professional Fantasy Manager.
[The Underchucker]
I'm 6"1'.
[The Baugh]
I play pick up basketball.
I was on the Varsity Ultimate Frisbee team.
2000 Clarendon Walk-a-Thon. All-American Track and Field.
[SC Lesnar]
Intern for the Seattle Seahawks and Seattle Mariners.
I have season tickets for the San Francisco Giants and the Golden State Warriors..
[The Baugh]
I'm not a real athlete?
[Cobra Kai]
When you step into those ropes, bad things do happen.
My players have been injured.
[SC Lesnar]
Ray Rice was arrested.
[The Baugh]
My first round pick beat his children.
Forgot to set up my waivers.
But I got up..
[The Underchucker]
This is who I am..
This isn't real?
[Single H]
Try managing my Fantasy Team.
Your world is infected.
Infected with the liars and the deceitful.
From those who say that they have your best interest at heart.
This is the terrifying truth.
You are sheep.
Infected with the liars and the deceitful.
From those who say that they have your best interest at heart.
This is the terrifying truth.
You are sheep.
You do as you're told.
You listen to what you hear, but not with what you see.
In a moment of chaos, you, the people, will panic.
You listen to what you hear, but not with what you see.
In a moment of chaos, you, the people, will panic.
People can't save themselves.
They want to be saved.
They want their heroes to come and rescue them.
Little children sleep at night knowing they are protected.
Knowing that there is some one out there watching over them.
Let me ask you a terrifying question.
They want their heroes to come and rescue them.
Little children sleep at night knowing they are protected.
Knowing that there is some one out there watching over them.
Let me ask you a terrifying question.
What would the world be without their heroes?
Without their knight in shining armor?
You see, I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve.
I tell you what you don't want to hear.
I tell you the truth.
And it may be an ugly truth, but it is the truth nonetheless.
You people don't want to lead. You want to be led.
You worship your heroes and your prophets.
Your saviors. You want salvation.
But you won't even save yourselves.
You want somebody to do it for you.
But you won't even save yourselves.
You want somebody to do it for you.
Well, I got news for you.
Heroes don't exist.
And the longer it takes for you to realize this..
the more danger you put yourself in.
West Coast Cousins.. You control your fate.
Take control.
Take control of your Fantasy League.
This league is yours. None shall interfere.

We're coming.
SC Lesnar's music plays and The Next Big Thing makes her way down to the ring accompanied by Paul Heyman.

Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman and I am the advocate for The Beast Incarnate, Santa Clara LESSSSNAAAAR!
*Crowd Boos*

For weeks now, you have watched SC Lesnar DOMINATE the competition.
After a poor 0-2 start, every single one of you counted Santa Clara Lesnar out.
But now she sits at 3-2, and if the playoffs started today, SC Lesnar would be headed to FantasyMania.
And given my clients track record, you should all know.. that if SC Lesnar goes to FantasyMania..
Well, the WCCF League Championship is all but hers.

Don't say that I didn't warn you.
Because I am putting you all on notice now...
Santa Clara Lesnar is The Next Big Thing...
Prepare yourselves for a second half of the season like you have never seen before..
*John Seana's Music Hits*

Paul. Listen to me.
My name is John Seana... and I came here because I need your help.
Forget everything you think you know about the WCCF..
Because I am from the future.. and I came here to change history...
I came here to save the WCC Universe.
*Crowd Boos*

I was sent here from the future by you. You and CM PUP.
I need your help to stop The Authority from destroying this league.
And I already tried to reach out to Stone Cold Steve Pupstin..
He won't listen to me.
So right now, only you can help me.

Me? I sent you from the future?

Let me get this straight..
You expect me to believe that there is such a thing as time travel?
What are you gonna tell me next?
That, in the future, we have an infinite amount of information at your fingertips?
That we have hand held computers that we use the access information whenever we like?

Give me a break John, I don't think of you as a child.
Please do me the same courtesy.

Don't think for one second that I don't see what it is you're doing here.
You see the power of SC Lesnar.
You see her potential.
And you, just like you did to Stone Cold Steve Pupstin, are trying to skew my attention away.
So that you can distract me long enough to ruin SC Lesnar's season.

I wish I was kidding you, Paul.
But you see, in the year 2014, where I am from..
Single H and Stephaneah McMahon take over the WCCF and they abuse their power.
At first, they were only targeting the Faces..
But then.. they started targeted everybody.

If you don't help me, Paul.
Everybody you know in that locker room is in danger.
The WCC Universe is in danger.
I'm asking you, Paul.
Do it for the WCC.
I can't do this without you.

[SC Lesnar]
Let me take care of this Paul..
John Seana, have you seen what I have done these past 3 weeks?
Chris Waiting, Rock Michaels and The Underchucker.
WCCF Veterans. Demolished.
Forced to quit.

Listen Lesnar. I know all about you.
In the future, you're one hell of a WCC Superstar.
Hell, you're one hell of a Superstar today.
But my fight isn't with you.
My fight is with The Authority.
And if I don't fix the past, they'll win in the future.

[SC Lesnar]
I don't know what type of drugs you've been on..
But I'll tell you this.
If you want my help.
If you want Paul Heyman's help.
First, you've gotta beat me in a fight.

Seana readies himself as SC Lesnar gets into a fighting stance.

Lesnar takes down Seana!

F-5! F-5 to Seana!
And I think SC Lesnar just made her stance clear!
She wants nothing to do with John Seana and his plan to save the future!
What's gonna happen this Sunday at Backlash?
Call your cable provider and order Backlash this Sunday!
Only on Pay Per View!
Heroes don't exist.
And the longer it takes for you to realize this..
the more danger you put yourself in.
West Coast Cousins.. You control your fate.
Take control.
Take control of your Fantasy League.
This league is yours. None shall interfere.

We're coming.
SC Lesnar's music plays and The Next Big Thing makes her way down to the ring accompanied by Paul Heyman.

Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman and I am the advocate for The Beast Incarnate, Santa Clara LESSSSNAAAAR!
*Crowd Boos*

For weeks now, you have watched SC Lesnar DOMINATE the competition.
After a poor 0-2 start, every single one of you counted Santa Clara Lesnar out.
But now she sits at 3-2, and if the playoffs started today, SC Lesnar would be headed to FantasyMania.
And given my clients track record, you should all know.. that if SC Lesnar goes to FantasyMania..
Well, the WCCF League Championship is all but hers.

Don't say that I didn't warn you.
Because I am putting you all on notice now...
Santa Clara Lesnar is The Next Big Thing...
Prepare yourselves for a second half of the season like you have never seen before..
*John Seana's Music Hits*

Paul. Listen to me.
My name is John Seana... and I came here because I need your help.
Forget everything you think you know about the WCCF..
Because I am from the future.. and I came here to change history...
I came here to save the WCC Universe.
*Crowd Boos*

I was sent here from the future by you. You and CM PUP.
I need your help to stop The Authority from destroying this league.
And I already tried to reach out to Stone Cold Steve Pupstin..
He won't listen to me.
So right now, only you can help me.

Me? I sent you from the future?

Let me get this straight..
You expect me to believe that there is such a thing as time travel?
What are you gonna tell me next?
That, in the future, we have an infinite amount of information at your fingertips?
That we have hand held computers that we use the access information whenever we like?

Give me a break John, I don't think of you as a child.
Please do me the same courtesy.

Don't think for one second that I don't see what it is you're doing here.
You see the power of SC Lesnar.
You see her potential.
And you, just like you did to Stone Cold Steve Pupstin, are trying to skew my attention away.
So that you can distract me long enough to ruin SC Lesnar's season.

I wish I was kidding you, Paul.
But you see, in the year 2014, where I am from..
Single H and Stephaneah McMahon take over the WCCF and they abuse their power.
At first, they were only targeting the Faces..
But then.. they started targeted everybody.

If you don't help me, Paul.
Everybody you know in that locker room is in danger.
The WCC Universe is in danger.
I'm asking you, Paul.
Do it for the WCC.
I can't do this without you.

[SC Lesnar]
Let me take care of this Paul..
John Seana, have you seen what I have done these past 3 weeks?
Chris Waiting, Rock Michaels and The Underchucker.
WCCF Veterans. Demolished.
Forced to quit.

Listen Lesnar. I know all about you.
In the future, you're one hell of a WCC Superstar.
Hell, you're one hell of a Superstar today.
But my fight isn't with you.
My fight is with The Authority.
And if I don't fix the past, they'll win in the future.

[SC Lesnar]
I don't know what type of drugs you've been on..
But I'll tell you this.
If you want my help.
If you want Paul Heyman's help.
First, you've gotta beat me in a fight.

Seana readies himself as SC Lesnar gets into a fighting stance.

Lesnar takes down Seana!

F-5! F-5 to Seana!
And I think SC Lesnar just made her stance clear!
She wants nothing to do with John Seana and his plan to save the future!
What's gonna happen this Sunday at Backlash?
Call your cable provider and order Backlash this Sunday!
Only on Pay Per View!
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