Last Season on WCC Fantasy Football..
And here we go folks!
The moment we've all been waiting for!
CM PUP vs. Dolph Riggler to determine the 2013 League Champion!
But wait, what is this? The Authority of the WCC have arrived.
Single H and Stephaneah McMahon.
Look out! Commissioner Laurinatis just pulled the ropes from underneath CM PUP!
Riggler looking for the submission as he goes for the Anaconda Vice on CM PUP!
Single H is calling for the bell!
The Ref is calling it off!
This one is over!
This one is over!
I don't think CM PUP tapped!
Did you see him tap out, King?
I didn't see it Michael.
What just happened?
What just happened?
This crowd is just as stunned as we are, Michael.
I guess Dolph Riggler is our 2013 League Champion.
This is not right, King.
The Authority has hand picked their new Champion.
Dolph Riggler has aligned himself with The Authority and they have screwed over CM PUP!
What does this mean, Michael?
Is this a new era for the WCC?
17 Years Earlier...
[Jim Ross]
Welcome to FantasyMania 1997!
The greatest spectacle in our industry!
[Jim Ross]
The clash of the two greatest juggernauts in the WCCF today!
Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs. The Heart Break Kid Ron Michaels for the WCCF League Championship!
J.R. it truly doesn't get any bigger than this!
The rivalry between these two Fantasy Managers is unmatched!
The rivalry between these two Fantasy Managers is unmatched!
[Jim Ross]
Sweet Chin Music! Sweet Chin Music!
Look out! Sharpshooter by Bret!
[Jim Ross]
WCCF owner Vince McMahon is at ringside, you have to wonder what must be going through his mind. Bret Hart's WCCF contract expires at midnight tonight!
Will Bret become League Champion?
Will Bret become League Champion?
[Jim Ross]
But wait, you've gotta be kidding me! Michaels trying to beat Bret with his own move!
[Jim Ross]
Mr. McMahon is calling for the bell!
Did Bret tap? Did he tap out?
Did Bret tap? Did he tap out?
[Jim Ross]
There is a state of confusion buzzing throughout the arena!
Ron Michaels is our new League Champion.
What just happened, J.R.?
[Jim Ross]
I'll tell ya what happened, Vince McMahon just screwed Bret Hart!
And now Ron Michaels is leaving with the WCCF Championship!
What does this mean? What happens now?
[Jim Ross]
We're gonna have to find out tomorrow night on WCCF Preview!
After a controversial 24 hours, we have a new WCCF League Champion!
Folks, I'm Jim Ross alongside Jerry "The King" Lawler and we come to you live here in Washington D.C. for a new season in the West Coast Cousins Fantasy Football League.
JR, you talk about controversy, last night at FantasyMania 1997 may have been the most controversial finish in league history!
That's right, for those who missed our show last season, Ron Michaels is the new WCC League Champion after he defeated Bret Hart with a Sharpshooter.
But it didn't appear to us that Bret Hart tapped out at any point in the match. The referee called for the bell and now here we are. JR, I really don't know what's going on.
Hopefully we get some answers tonight.
Hopefully we get some answers tonight.
*Mr. McMahon's music plays*
Well I think we're gonna find out shortly as we hear from the owner of the WCCF, Mr. McMahon.
*The Crowd Boos as Mr. McMahon makes his way down to the ring*
[Mr. McMahon]
First and foremost..
*Crowd Boos*
[Mr. McMahon]
First and foremost, I would like to welcome everyone in attendance and the viewers at home to a new season of West Coast Cousins Fantasy Football!
*Crowd Boos*
You screwed Bret! You screwed Bret! You screwed Bret!
[Mr. McMahon]
Secondly, I am proud to announce that there is a NEW WCCF League Champion!
*Crowd Boos*
[Mr. McMahon]
A new League Champion that will take the WCCF to new heights. A champion that is worthy of holding the title around his waist. A champion that will change the landscape of Fantasy Sports forever!
*Mr. McMahon opens up his jacket to reveal that he is in possession of the WCCF Championship*
*Crowd Boos*
[Mr. McMahon]
Last night, Ron Michaels defeated Bret Hart! Not only did he defeat Bret Hart, but he HUMILIATED Bret Hart in front of the world! In front of his hometown! In front of his family!
Ron Michaels made Bret Hart tap out!
Ron Michaels made Bret Hart tap out!
*Crowd Boos*
You screwed Bret! You screwed Bret! You screwed Bret!
[Mr. McMahon]
Bret Hart dug his own grave. Bret Hart knew exactly what he got himself into when he threatened to leave my league. There was no chance. There was no chance in HELL! That I, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, was gonna let some washed up has been walk out of my league with the WCCF Championship. Vince McMahon didn't screw Bret Hart. Bret Hart screwed Bret Hart!
*Crowd Boos*
[Mr. McMahon]
So without further adieu, I would like for you to give a warm Washington D.C. welcome to your new WCCF League Champion, The Heart Break Kid, Ron Michaels!
*Crowd Boos*
Ron Michaels comes out accompanied by Degeneration F.
A very negative reaction for our new Champion.
These fans need to show some respect! This is our Champion!
I'm not so sure that I agree that he's our Champion, King.
Well he won the match didn't he?
By cheating King, that's not a true champion in my eyes.
[Mr. McMahon]
Ron, how does it feel to be WCCF Champion?
How does it feel? Vince, this is the greatest feeling in the world!
I am the WCCF Champion. This title means that I am the best Fantasy Manager in the world.
And everyone that is booing me right now, they're jealous. They're jealous of my success.
Of my moment.
Of my moment.
*Crowd Boos*
These other Superstars may claim to be the best in the league, the best there was, the best there is.. and all that other crap, but at the end of the day, there is only ONE.
There is only one headliner.
And that's me!
The Show Stopper, The Main Event. Mr. FantasyMania himself, the Heart Break Kid, Ron Michaels!
*Crowd Boos*
You screwed Bret! You screwed Bret!
You see Vinny Mac, this league needs a new villain. This league needs a Fantasy Manager that isn't going to appeal to the little kids, a fantasy manager that isn't going to sell out with the Red and Yellow Spandex. Who isn't going to find the cutest kid in the crowd and hand them their Pink Sunglasses.
No, those days are over!
This league needs new direction and I'm here to give it to them!
No, those days are over!
This league needs new direction and I'm here to give it to them!
You need a new face.
You need someone that is gonna take this League to a new level, well Vince, I'm your guy!
That's why I am asking, no, I am begging you!
Mr. McMahon bestow upon me the greatest honor in Fantasy Sports, the WCCF Championship!
Mr. McMahon bestow upon me the greatest honor in Fantasy Sports, the WCCF Championship!
Vince, you backed the right horse when you decided to make me your Champion.
You've given me the opportunity to take this league by storm and I'll tell ya, it's the smartest decision you've ever made in your life.
I would be honored to be your league Champion.
*Mr. McMahon hands Ron Michaels the WCCF Championship*
*Crowd Boos*
How do ya like me now?!
Take a picture because you are witnessing history in the making. You was witnessing a new era in the WCCF. Take a picture and show your grandchildren that you were there when Ron Michaels became the greatest WCCF League Champion in Fantasy Sports history!
Take a picture because you are witnessing history in the making. You was witnessing a new era in the WCCF. Take a picture and show your grandchildren that you were there when Ron Michaels became the greatest WCCF League Champion in Fantasy Sports history!
You screwed Bret! You screwed Bret!
Oh, well I don't exactly remember her name. But trust me D.C, her name wasn't Bret!
Let me tell you something..
They say I've gotten cocky. That I've let the League Championship get to my head.
That I can't do it again...
Let me tell you something.. I'm just getting started!

There ain't nobody in the back that can touch me!
*Crowd Boos*

[Mr. McMahon]
Single H, if I may ask you a few questions..
You are one half of the group known as Degeneration F.
Tell me, what does it mean for your best friend, your mentor, Ron Michaels to be the WCCF League Champion?

[Single H]
Well Vince, it's no secret that Ron is my best friend. And to see him accomplish the biggest achievement in our industry, it's something else.
He's a League Champion for a reason.
You don't get to the top on accident, Vince.
Take it from me, a former 3-time League Champion.

[Single H]
And now together, Degeneration F has a total of 4 League Championships.
Degeneration Football is the baddest group of Fantasy Football players you'll ever meet!
I challenge anyone watching this right now.
Anybody in the back to come face the two of us.
We'll post up Blow Outs of the Week on consecutive Pay Per Views.
There is absolutely no Manager in the back that can beat us!
*Stone Cold Steve Pupstin's Music Plays*
*Crowd Cheers*
[Jim Ross]
Wait a minute! It looks like someone is taking offense to Single H's words!
It's none other than STONE COLD STEVE PUPSTIN!

I've been sitting in the back for almost 20 minutes now drinking a beer and listening to you two jackasses flapping your gums about how great you are..
And I thought it was about time somebody came out here and shut your asses up!
*Crowd Cheers*

All this crap about how you won the League Championship last season, well Stone Cold Steve Pupstin could give a rat's ass about last season!

Let me tell you something..
They say I've gotten cocky. That I've let the League Championship get to my head.
That I can't do it again...
Let me tell you something.. I'm just getting started!

There ain't nobody in the back that can touch me!
I'm on the top of the mountain now boys. There's a reason that they call me Mr. FantasyMania. Unbeaten at FantasyMania, 3-0, this is my time! Tonight is Ron Michaels Appreciation Night!
And there ain't nobody in the back who can go toe to toe with The Champ.
*Crowd Boos*

[Mr. McMahon]
Single H, if I may ask you a few questions..
You are one half of the group known as Degeneration F.
Tell me, what does it mean for your best friend, your mentor, Ron Michaels to be the WCCF League Champion?

[Single H]
Well Vince, it's no secret that Ron is my best friend. And to see him accomplish the biggest achievement in our industry, it's something else.
He's a League Champion for a reason.
You don't get to the top on accident, Vince.
Take it from me, a former 3-time League Champion.

[Single H]
And now together, Degeneration F has a total of 4 League Championships.
Degeneration Football is the baddest group of Fantasy Football players you'll ever meet!
I challenge anyone watching this right now.
Anybody in the back to come face the two of us.
We'll post up Blow Outs of the Week on consecutive Pay Per Views.
There is absolutely no Manager in the back that can beat us!
*Stone Cold Steve Pupstin's Music Plays*
*Crowd Cheers*
[Jim Ross]
Wait a minute! It looks like someone is taking offense to Single H's words!
It's none other than STONE COLD STEVE PUPSTIN!

I've been sitting in the back for almost 20 minutes now drinking a beer and listening to you two jackasses flapping your gums about how great you are..
And I thought it was about time somebody came out here and shut your asses up!
*Crowd Cheers*

All this crap about how you won the League Championship last season, well Stone Cold Steve Pupstin could give a rat's ass about last season!
The only thing Stone Cold is worried about is THIS season.
Single H you talk about the two of you being the two best Fantasy Players in the League..
I'll tell ya this, I am without a doubt the toughest son of a bitch you'll ever go Head to Head against in Fantasy Football.
And if you don't believe me, I'll come down to the center of that ring and whoop both of your asses right now!
*Crowd Cheers*

Ron Michaels, you think your some damn hot shot cause you got hot towards the end of last season..
Well if you think your luck has carried over to this season, let's see if you got the guts to put that little belt on the line and step in the ring with me this Sunday at SummerSlam.
And if you think you got what it takes, Stone Cold will proceed to stick that horseshoe up your ass!
*Crowd Cheers*
[Mr. McMahon]
Pupstin, who the hell do you think you are?!
There's only one man that can make a match like that.
And that man is ME!
I am the owner of the WCCF damnit.
There's only one man that can make a match like that.
And that man is ME!
I am the owner of the WCCF damnit.
[Mr. McMahon]
And as owner of the WCCF, I'll tell you what we're gonna do.
Stone Cold, if you think you have what it takes to contend for the WCCF Championship, then you're gonna have to prove it tonight in this very ring.
When you go one on one with the WCCF Champion Ron Michaels in a non-title match!
And if you somehow manage to beat Ron Michaels, I will give you the first shot at the Champion this Sunday at WCCF SummerSlam!
*Crowd Cheers*
And if you somehow manage to beat Ron Michaels, I will give you the first shot at the Champion this Sunday at WCCF SummerSlam!
*Crowd Cheers*
[Mr. McMahon]
But Pupstin, I have to say, I don't like your chances tonight.
As a matter of fact.. the chances of you winning tonight is..
no chance in hell!
[Jim Ross]
And there you have it folks, one hell of a main even scheduled for tonight!
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin versus the WCCF Champion Ron Michaels!
Ah, I can't wait JR! This is gonna be one heck of a Preview!
He's the fastest runner in the Luu Family...
Winning awards in Track & Field...
He nearly joined his high school's football team and can shut down any receiver in the Luu Family.
Yes, including you Cal Bears.
He is the best Football Player in the Luu Family...
He is the most athletic Superstar in the Luu Family...
And his name is... Kurt Crangle.
My name is Kurt Crangle and this fall, I'm taking my talents to the WCCF.
I come from a background of Street Football.
That's REAL football.
That's REAL football.
I am easily the most athletic Superstar that the WCCF has ever seen.
Look at these awards, I've won medals. Awards for my athletic superiority.
And this Sunday at SummerSlam, I'm making my debut to the world of "Fantasy Sports".
This folks, is the real thing.
When I step into that ring, I plan to dominate Fantasy Football the same way that I dominate everything else that I do.
I'm here bring authenticity to world of Fantasy Sports.
To show these fans what real football is all about.
To show these fans what real football is all about.
These fans are tired of the same old Superstars running the show.
This Sunday, I'm going to display my superior talents and show everybody why I am the best Fantasy Manager in the League!
Oh it's true, it's damn true.
I am the WCCF's Olympic Hero and I will be YOUR Champion.
[Jim Ross]
Welcome back everybody to WCCF Preview and we look forward to the debut of Kurt Crangle this Sunday at SummerSlam when he faces the WCCF Intercontinental Champion Manningkind.
But earlier today WCCF Champion Ron Michaels kicked off the show and is set to face Stone Cold Steve Pupstin in our main event much later in the show.
*The Baugh's Music Plays*
Ah! Here he is JR! The People's Champion!
The Baugh!
[Jim Ross]
This young man, The Baugh is such a talented Fantasy Superstar.
He failed to make the WCCF Playoffs last year, but has made it to the WCCF Finals 2 out of the last 3 seasons. Falling just short of becoming WCCF League Champion just a few years ago.
I expect The Baught to rebound this season and put on a hell of an effort.

[The Baugh]
Finally The Baugh has come back to Washington, DC!
*Crowd Cheers*

[The Baugh]
The Baugh says this.. after last year's disappointing season, The Baugh owes it to The People.
To come back this year and become WCCF League Champion!
*Crowd Cheers*
[The Baugh]
Now The Baugh says this.. now that The Baugh is back and focused on the task at hand,
The Baugh promises to The People that he'll be back in the WCCF Finals.
That he'll go BACK to FantasyMania..
The Baugh is interrupted by a Millennium Countdown.
[Jim Ross]
Wait a minute.
Hey wait a minute! It's the Millennium Clock!
It's the Millennium JR!
10.. 9.. 8..
The arena lights go out.
*Crowd Cheers*
Welcome to..
*Crowd Cheers*
I am the new millennium for the West Coast Cousins Football League.
Now for those of you who don't know me, I am Chris Waiting and I have been recasted to play the role of Y2W!
Because I am more active than my predecessor! Because I am more entertaining!
And because I am the most charismatic showmen to ever enter your computer screen via a blogsite!
And for those of who you do know me, all hail the Ayatollah of Fantasy Footballolla!
Well he's got a nice haircut JR!
[Jim Ross]
The Baugh doesn't look too impressed, King.
Now when you think of the new season of WCCF, you think of a dawning of a new era!
Thank you! Thank you!
A new era is what this once proud Fantasy Football league sourly needs.
What was once a captivating, trend setting league has now deteriorated into a cliched, let's be honest, boring, snooze-fest that is in dire need of a knight and shining armor!
And that's why I'm here!
To give this character life.
To replace that old inactive Fantasy Manager that's off somewhere driving buses!
Chris Waiting has come to SAVE THE WCCF!
[Jim Ross]
Aww, from what?!
Now let's go over the facts.
Blog viewership? Downward spiral.
Storyline writing? Predictable.
Mainstream acceptance? Non-existent.
And reactions of the live audience? Complete and utter silence!
And I know why you're silent!
You're silent because you're embarrassed to be here!
Embarrassed to be actually reading these storylines!
The reason you're embarrassed is because of the steady stream of uninteresting, untalented, inactive mediocre Fantasy Managers in this league.
No wonder you're not cheering!
You could care less about the idiots in the dressing room.
And especially this idiot standing in the center of the ring.
[Jim Ross]
The Baugh is gonna explode any minute!
You people have been lead to believe that mediocrity is excellence.
Uh uh.
Waiting is excellence!
Now for the first time ever, you have a man that can entertain you!
That can produce Fantasy Points for you!
A man that can make you jump off your chair, raise your filthy fat little hands in the air and scream:
Thank you!
The millennium is here and now that the Y2W problem is here, this league will NEVER..
[The Baugh]
After 3 boring minutes, The Baugh says..
*Crowd Cheers*
[The Baugh]
How dare you little jabroni, come onto The Baugh's show and not even have the class to introduce yourself?
[The Baugh]
What is your name?
I told you..

[The Baugh]
[The Baugh]
The Baugh says you talk about your Y2W plan.
Well The Baugh has a plan of his own.
The Baugh plans to go to SummerSlam this Sunday..
*Crowd Cheers*
[The Baugh]
[Jim Ross]
Well there you have it.
The Baugh issuing the challenge to the new comer Chris Waiting.

Manningkind, this Sunday you defend the WCCF Intercontinental Championship against a debuting Kurt Crangle.
They say Crangle is the most athletic member of the Luu Family.
That he plays REAL football.
How concerned are you going into Sunday?
What is there to be concerned about Jimmy?
I am not a member of the Luu Family.
If Crangle wants to step into the world of Fantasy Sports, then I'll accept him with open arms.
Open arms that I will use to hurt every single one of his Fantasy Players.
It's not a goal of mine to prevent Crangle from walking out of SummerSlam with the Intercontinental title. No Jimmy, my goal is to simply prevent Crangle from walking at all.
Now have a nice day!

What a nut job!
[Jim Ross]
Well these two Superstars will square off this Sunday at SummerSlam.
The defending Intercontinental Champion Manningkind versus the debuting Olympic Gold Medalist, Kurt Crangle!

The Arena Lights Turn Off.
[Jim Ross]
Whoa, wait a minute.
The Underchucker's music hits as The Phenom makes his way to ringside.

[Paul Bearer]
Ahahahahaha Underchucker...
This Sunday, your past comes back to haunt you.
This Sunday, the recasted VANE comes back to finish you Underchucker.
To make you... REST.... IN .... PEACE!
Welcome everybody back to WCCF Preview!
And tonight's broadcast is brought to you by 10-10-220!
Save yourself a buck or two!
It's time now for our main event as we get a shot of Ron Michaels making his way to ringside.
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin versus Ron Michaels,
If Pupstin can beat Michaels, he will be the number 1 contender for the WCCF Championship this Sunday at SummerSlam.
To be the man, you gotta beat the man, JR.
Non-Title Match
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin vs. Ron Michaels
*Stone Cold Steve Pupstin's Music Hits*
[Jim Ross]
The cocky Champion, Ron Michaels.
Last year's League Champion making his way to the ring.
He's not cocky! He's confident, JR!
You have to be confident to be the face of the WCCF.
He's Mr. McMahon's handpicked Champion.
[Jim Ross]
Well he's not my handpicked Champion.
He's my Champion, JR.
And you better be careful JR, you know Mr. McMahon is watching this broadcast.
[Jim Ross]
Well I guess we're now joined by Single H.
Welcome to the commentary table young man.
[Single H]
Shut up JR.
Nobody wants to hear you talk.
Yeah! Shut up JR!
[Jim Ross]
Well it's actually my job to speak, Single H.
[Jim Ross]
Non-title match, Ron Michaels vs. Stone Cold.
Single H, what do you think about this matchup right here?
[Single H]
Ron Michaels is the best in the business, JR.
There isn't a better Professional Manager than Ron.
Look at that belt around his waist, that'll tell you everything you need to know about Ron.

[Jim Ross]
You're a former League Champion yourself Single H, is it a goal of yours to be League Champion once again?
[Single H]
What kind of stupid question is that?
Of course I want to be League Champion.
Well then, how would you feel about facing Ron Michaels for the WCCF Championship?
[Single H]
What are you trying to do?
Are you trying to break up the greatest faction in the WCCF?
Right now I'm solely focused on Degeneration F.
When the time comes, I will get my shot at the title.
But it's Ron's time right now.

What do you say to all those who say Ron Michaels shouldn't be champion?
That say his win was via a screwjob?
[Single H]
That's a bunch of horse crap JR.
You saw it like I saw it. Ron Michaels made Bret Hart tap out!
Yeah JR! Bret Hart tapped out! I saw it!
Well I don't know what you saw King, but it never saw Bret Hart tap out.
Stunner on Michaels! Stunner on Michaels!
Pupstin is going to SummerSlam!
Suddenly a new Fantasy Manager appears from the crowd.

Wait a minute! What the hell is that!
That's Paul Heyman! My God, that's Paul Heyman!
But who's that with him?
My God! That's the biggest free agent in Fantasy Sports!
Th-Th-That's Santa Clara Lesnar!
OHH! F-5 to Pupstin!
Winner via Pinfall: Ron Michaels
That damn Paul Heyman just set that pittbull SC Lesnar loose on Pupstin and just cost him the match!

*Crowd Boos*
Ron Michaels and Single H celebrate in the ring.
Ron Michaels wins and now Pupstin doesn't get a title shot this Sunday.
Screw job after screw job!
Ron Michaels just doesn't care!
And I have a feeling Mr. McMahon set this up!
That's absurd JR! Mr. McMahon is a fair man.
He would never do anything like this!

[Ron Michaels]
Just when you thought that old Stone Cold was gonna go to SummerSlam to face the Champ..
You realize that he can't hang with me!
I am the very best in the business!
I told you all before, I am the Main Event.
The Headliner..
There 's no stopping me or Degeneration F.
I am The Heart Break Kid, Ron Michaels!
So whether you like it or not.. I am your WCCF Champion!
[Single H]
And if you ain't down with that...
[Single H]
Single H turns around and kicks Ron Michaels in the gut!

W.. W... Wait a minute!
Family Tree to Michaels!
What the hell!
Single H just planted the Family Tree onto Ron Michaels!
His best friend!
*Crowd Boos*

[Single H]
You see Ron, I'm not gonna sit back and idly watch you on your little high horse.
I'm done hiding in your shadow.
You of all people should know Ron, it's every man for himself.
There's no such thing as alliances.
There's no such things as friends.
I've got my eyes on the prize Ron.
And you? You just slipped up.
I am a former League Champion, and I will get back on top.
Even if it means taking you down.
See you Sunday, Champ.
[Jim Ross]
Welcome back everybody to WCCF Preview and we look forward to the debut of Kurt Crangle this Sunday at SummerSlam when he faces the WCCF Intercontinental Champion Manningkind.
But earlier today WCCF Champion Ron Michaels kicked off the show and is set to face Stone Cold Steve Pupstin in our main event much later in the show.
*The Baugh's Music Plays*
Ah! Here he is JR! The People's Champion!
The Baugh!
[Jim Ross]
This young man, The Baugh is such a talented Fantasy Superstar.
He failed to make the WCCF Playoffs last year, but has made it to the WCCF Finals 2 out of the last 3 seasons. Falling just short of becoming WCCF League Champion just a few years ago.
I expect The Baught to rebound this season and put on a hell of an effort.

[The Baugh]
Finally The Baugh has come back to Washington, DC!
*Crowd Cheers*

[The Baugh]
The Baugh says this.. after last year's disappointing season, The Baugh owes it to The People.
To come back this year and become WCCF League Champion!
*Crowd Cheers*
[The Baugh]
Now The Baugh says this.. now that The Baugh is back and focused on the task at hand,
The Baugh promises to The People that he'll be back in the WCCF Finals.
That he'll go BACK to FantasyMania..
The Baugh is interrupted by a Millennium Countdown.
[Jim Ross]
Wait a minute.
Hey wait a minute! It's the Millennium Clock!
It's the Millennium JR!
10.. 9.. 8..
The arena lights go out.
*Crowd Cheers*
Welcome to..
*Crowd Cheers*
I am the new millennium for the West Coast Cousins Football League.
Now for those of you who don't know me, I am Chris Waiting and I have been recasted to play the role of Y2W!
Because I am more active than my predecessor! Because I am more entertaining!
And because I am the most charismatic showmen to ever enter your computer screen via a blogsite!
And for those of who you do know me, all hail the Ayatollah of Fantasy Footballolla!
Well he's got a nice haircut JR!
[Jim Ross]
The Baugh doesn't look too impressed, King.
Now when you think of the new season of WCCF, you think of a dawning of a new era!
Thank you! Thank you!
A new era is what this once proud Fantasy Football league sourly needs.
What was once a captivating, trend setting league has now deteriorated into a cliched, let's be honest, boring, snooze-fest that is in dire need of a knight and shining armor!
And that's why I'm here!
To give this character life.
To replace that old inactive Fantasy Manager that's off somewhere driving buses!
Chris Waiting has come to SAVE THE WCCF!
[Jim Ross]
Aww, from what?!
Now let's go over the facts.
Blog viewership? Downward spiral.
Storyline writing? Predictable.
Mainstream acceptance? Non-existent.
And reactions of the live audience? Complete and utter silence!
And I know why you're silent!
You're silent because you're embarrassed to be here!
Embarrassed to be actually reading these storylines!
The reason you're embarrassed is because of the steady stream of uninteresting, untalented, inactive mediocre Fantasy Managers in this league.
No wonder you're not cheering!
You could care less about the idiots in the dressing room.
And especially this idiot standing in the center of the ring.
[Jim Ross]
The Baugh is gonna explode any minute!
You people have been lead to believe that mediocrity is excellence.
Uh uh.
Waiting is excellence!
Now for the first time ever, you have a man that can entertain you!
That can produce Fantasy Points for you!
A man that can make you jump off your chair, raise your filthy fat little hands in the air and scream:
Thank you!
The millennium is here and now that the Y2W problem is here, this league will NEVER..
[The Baugh]
After 3 boring minutes, The Baugh says..
*Crowd Cheers*
[The Baugh]
How dare you little jabroni, come onto The Baugh's show and not even have the class to introduce yourself?
[The Baugh]
What is your name?
I told you..

[The Baugh]
[The Baugh]
The Baugh says you talk about your Y2W plan.
Well The Baugh has a plan of his own.
The Baugh plans to go to SummerSlam this Sunday..
*Crowd Cheers*
[The Baugh]
[Jim Ross]
Well there you have it.
The Baugh issuing the challenge to the new comer Chris Waiting.
[Jim Ross]
Well ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to WCCF Preview.
Over the weekend, I had a chance to interview one of the lesser known Superstars.
Some call him deranged. Some call him sadistic.
Some may even go as far as to call him insane. But he simply goes by one name. Manningkind.
Over the weekend, I had a chance to interview one of the lesser known Superstars.
Some call him deranged. Some call him sadistic.
Some may even go as far as to call him insane. But he simply goes by one name. Manningkind.
Take a look now at this pre-recorded one on one sit down interview with the one and only, Manningkind.
Manningkind, as the new WCCF Season begins, there's a lot of unanswered questions heading into this Sunday's SummerSlam Pay Per View.
What do you hope to accomplish this season in the WCCF and how do you expect to attain it?
What do you hope to accomplish this season in the WCCF and how do you expect to attain it?
Well Jimmy, I'll tell you what... I don't know if accomplish is the right word to use in this instance. Because I don't hope to accomplish anything in the WCCF. I just want to score Fantasy Points. I want to inflict as much points onto my opponent each and every Sunday, Jimmy. I want to do as much damage as possible. I want to show my opponent, my pain.
I want my opponent to understand my suffering.
To share my despair. Becoming WCCF Champion is not a goal of mine Jimmy. Hurting people is.
I want my opponent to understand my suffering.
To share my despair. Becoming WCCF Champion is not a goal of mine Jimmy. Hurting people is.
What kind of pain do you feel? Many people around the world want to get a better understanding of why you are who you are today. Do you feel like you're misunderstood?
Misunderstood? I don't know, Jimmy. All my life, I've been looked at as if I was strange.
For as long as I can remember, I have never been accepted.
This is all I know, Jimmy.
Fantasy Football.
Fantasy Football.
You see, ever since I was a kid, I was fascinated by Fantasy Football. I would scout football players before the internet even existed. I would stalk them. And follow them home.
Before there was such a thing as NFL Insiders. Before the Adam Schefters and the Chris Mortensens....
Before news updates that told you the injury statuses of players during the week...
I did my own research. I followed the lives of NFL players.
Before social media... I kept track of every single NFL player that I was interested in.
I stalked these players Jimmy.
One time Troy Aikman gave me one of his used socks after a game.
It was one of the happiest moments of my life JR.
I still carry that sock around with me! It's never been washed!
Before news updates that told you the injury statuses of players during the week...
I did my own research. I followed the lives of NFL players.
Before social media... I kept track of every single NFL player that I was interested in.
I stalked these players Jimmy.
One time Troy Aikman gave me one of his used socks after a game.
It was one of the happiest moments of my life JR.
I still carry that sock around with me! It's never been washed!
So you see Jimmy, many years ago, this was deemed as socially unacceptable.
But now a days, you can look at your cell phone and find out if a player is playing 5 minutes before a game starts. But back when I first started playing Fantasy Football, I had to go to their practices and pretend to be the waterboy. I had to ask players and coaches if they were gonna play.
This information wasn't handed to me. I had to go get it.
But now we all know what every single player is doing.
JR, this is not a game to me.
This is my life.
I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed.
I may not be the most gifted and talented Fantasy Manager in this league.
And I may not make the right draft picks. But I do know that I want this more than anybody in the league! That I will try to put up as much Fantasy Points as I can!
Even if means hurting my own well being.
I am willing to go that far.
And I may not make the right draft picks. But I do know that I want this more than anybody in the league! That I will try to put up as much Fantasy Points as I can!
Even if means hurting my own well being.
I am willing to go that far.

Manningkind, this Sunday you defend the WCCF Intercontinental Championship against a debuting Kurt Crangle.
They say Crangle is the most athletic member of the Luu Family.
That he plays REAL football.
How concerned are you going into Sunday?
What is there to be concerned about Jimmy?
I am not a member of the Luu Family.
If Crangle wants to step into the world of Fantasy Sports, then I'll accept him with open arms.
Open arms that I will use to hurt every single one of his Fantasy Players.
It's not a goal of mine to prevent Crangle from walking out of SummerSlam with the Intercontinental title. No Jimmy, my goal is to simply prevent Crangle from walking at all.
Now have a nice day!

What a nut job!
[Jim Ross]
Well these two Superstars will square off this Sunday at SummerSlam.
The defending Intercontinental Champion Manningkind versus the debuting Olympic Gold Medalist, Kurt Crangle!

The Arena Lights Turn Off.
[Jim Ross]
Whoa, wait a minute.
The Underchucker's music hits as The Phenom makes his way to ringside.

Ron Michaels.
Boy, if you think Stone Cold Steve Pupstin is the only Fantasy Manager that's coming after your title.
Think again.
Last year, when you beat me at FantasyMania, you left me with a chip on my shoulder.
You backed me into a corner, Ron.
But this season, I will exact my revenge on you.
You will know my name.
You will know me as the Reaper of Darkness.
The Demon of Death Valley.
[Paul Bearer]
You think you're the only one with a grievance?
The only one that can complain about the past?
[Paul Bearer]
Ahahahahaha Underchucker...
This Sunday, your past comes back to haunt you.
This Sunday, the recasted VANE comes back to finish you Underchucker.
To make you... REST.... IN .... PEACE!
Welcome everybody back to WCCF Preview!
And tonight's broadcast is brought to you by 10-10-220!
Save yourself a buck or two!
It's time now for our main event as we get a shot of Ron Michaels making his way to ringside.
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin versus Ron Michaels,
If Pupstin can beat Michaels, he will be the number 1 contender for the WCCF Championship this Sunday at SummerSlam.
To be the man, you gotta beat the man, JR.
Non-Title Match
Stone Cold Steve Pupstin vs. Ron Michaels
*Stone Cold Steve Pupstin's Music Hits*
[Jim Ross]
The cocky Champion, Ron Michaels.
Last year's League Champion making his way to the ring.
He's not cocky! He's confident, JR!
You have to be confident to be the face of the WCCF.
He's Mr. McMahon's handpicked Champion.
[Jim Ross]
Well he's not my handpicked Champion.
He's my Champion, JR.
And you better be careful JR, you know Mr. McMahon is watching this broadcast.
[Jim Ross]
Well I guess we're now joined by Single H.
Welcome to the commentary table young man.
[Single H]
Shut up JR.
Nobody wants to hear you talk.
Yeah! Shut up JR!
[Jim Ross]
Well it's actually my job to speak, Single H.
[Jim Ross]
Non-title match, Ron Michaels vs. Stone Cold.
Single H, what do you think about this matchup right here?
[Single H]
Ron Michaels is the best in the business, JR.
There isn't a better Professional Manager than Ron.
Look at that belt around his waist, that'll tell you everything you need to know about Ron.

[Jim Ross]
You're a former League Champion yourself Single H, is it a goal of yours to be League Champion once again?
[Single H]
What kind of stupid question is that?
Of course I want to be League Champion.
Well then, how would you feel about facing Ron Michaels for the WCCF Championship?
[Single H]
What are you trying to do?
Are you trying to break up the greatest faction in the WCCF?
Right now I'm solely focused on Degeneration F.
When the time comes, I will get my shot at the title.
But it's Ron's time right now.

What do you say to all those who say Ron Michaels shouldn't be champion?
That say his win was via a screwjob?
[Single H]
That's a bunch of horse crap JR.
You saw it like I saw it. Ron Michaels made Bret Hart tap out!
Yeah JR! Bret Hart tapped out! I saw it!
Well I don't know what you saw King, but it never saw Bret Hart tap out.
Stunner on Michaels! Stunner on Michaels!
Pupstin is going to SummerSlam!
Suddenly a new Fantasy Manager appears from the crowd.

Wait a minute! What the hell is that!
That's Paul Heyman! My God, that's Paul Heyman!
But who's that with him?
My God! That's the biggest free agent in Fantasy Sports!
Th-Th-That's Santa Clara Lesnar!
OHH! F-5 to Pupstin!
Aww what the hell!
Michaels pins 1-2-3!
That damn Paul Heyman just set that pittbull SC Lesnar loose on Pupstin and just cost him the match!

*Crowd Boos*
Ron Michaels and Single H celebrate in the ring.
Ron Michaels wins and now Pupstin doesn't get a title shot this Sunday.
Screw job after screw job!
Ron Michaels just doesn't care!
And I have a feeling Mr. McMahon set this up!
That's absurd JR! Mr. McMahon is a fair man.
He would never do anything like this!

[Ron Michaels]
Just when you thought that old Stone Cold was gonna go to SummerSlam to face the Champ..
You realize that he can't hang with me!
I am the very best in the business!
I told you all before, I am the Main Event.
The Headliner..
There 's no stopping me or Degeneration F.
I am The Heart Break Kid, Ron Michaels!
So whether you like it or not.. I am your WCCF Champion!
[Single H]
And if you ain't down with that...
[Single H]
Single H turns around and kicks Ron Michaels in the gut!

W.. W... Wait a minute!
Family Tree to Michaels!
What the hell!
Single H just planted the Family Tree onto Ron Michaels!
His best friend!
*Crowd Boos*

[Single H]
You see Ron, I'm not gonna sit back and idly watch you on your little high horse.
I'm done hiding in your shadow.
You of all people should know Ron, it's every man for himself.
There's no such thing as alliances.
There's no such things as friends.
I've got my eyes on the prize Ron.
And you? You just slipped up.
I am a former League Champion, and I will get back on top.
Even if it means taking you down.
See you Sunday, Champ.
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