Welcome to the Second Round of FantasyMania!
I'm Michael Cole alongside JBL and Jerry "The King" Lawler...
And tonight, we find out who goes to the WCC Finals!
That's right, Michael! What a FantasyMania it's been so far, and it's only going to get better!
John Seana vs. CM PUP! Dealmus vs. Dolph Riggler!
This is too exciting, Michael.
But let's talk about the first matchup of the evening...
(6) John Seana (8-5)
(2) CM PUP (8-5)
John Seana has been impressive this season, last week he won his first FantasyMania match when he beat Nyback, and ended the season strong, winning three games in a row to bring him to the Semi-Finals of the WCC Playoffs.
But CM PUP has been equally impressive, earning the second seed with arguably the best regular season in the last 2 years, Michael.
But if he wants to be the next WCC League Champion, CM PUP is gonna need to learn how to win in December. He has yet to win a WCC Playoff game in FantasyMania and has a tall task tonight when he faces John Seana. Both these two Superstars split a victory between each other in their two matchups in the regular season.
But guys, what about our main event, the Champion Dolph Riggler vs. Dealmus!
I think this could potentially be match of the year, all season long Dolph Riggler has been proving the doubters wrong, but Dealmus has been consistent and methodical in his wins this season.
(1) Dealmus (9-4)
(6) Dolph Riggler (8-5)
Dealmus along with Single H have been dominant this season, quietly earning the best record in the league. Dealmus just finds a way to win. On paper, Dealmus does not have the best group of players, but he always finds a way to win. And don't forget, he beat Dolph Riggler in Week 9.
And following the winning Pedigree of Single H, Dealmus has the most impressive record at FantasyMania at 8-1. The former 3 time League Champion.... he may just win it all.
Dolph Riggler is the Champion for a reason. He may be the lowest seed in this WCC Playoff Tournament, but he has all the weapons to win this league.
Week after week, Dolph has been pulling upsets after upset. Last week, Riggler beat Chuckanut to move into the Semi-Finals and I think he's a darkhorse to be the 2013 League Champion.
Backstage Segment
Commissioner Laurinaitis is found on his phone.
Don't worry, Paul. I have it under control.
Everything is in place... Okay, I have to go...
Single H walks in.
[Single H]
John. I think it's time we talk about this CM PUP situation...
You know it as much as I do, CM PUP can't walk out of the WCC with the Championship title.
Don't worry, Single H. It's handled.
As for you, it's great that you've decided to embrace your role as Chief Operating Officer.
As far as the Championship match is concerned, you won't be allowed at ringside.
Dealmus is going to have to win on his own, without the help of the Cerebral Sandwich.
[Single H]
Just take care of your end, John.
Because if you don't stop CM PUP from walking out with the title, then this league doesn't have a whole lot of use for you.
John Seana Interview
Ladies and gentlemen.... John Seana!
*Crowd Cheers*
How are you Josh? You good?
I'm good, John. You're moments away from facing CM PUP and determine who will go to the Final Round of FantasyMania. Your thoughts?
Well Josh, I feel great!
This is FantasyMania! This is what we play for.
Tonight, I will make history when I beat CM PUP and go one step further to the Final Round of FantasyMania! I know the pressure of stopping CM PUP, to prevent him from walking out with the WCC Championship.... and I thrive under those situations.
I live for this.
Josh, it's FantasyMania!! What more can you ask for?
Well good luck to you, John.
CM PUP Interview
Joining me at this time... the 2nd Seed, CM PUP!
*Crowd Cheers*
CM PUP, I don't think there's any question that you've been tremendous in the regular season these past two seasons. But looking at your FantasyMania history, it's been a tough stretch for you. What adjustments are going to do tonight to get that win over John Seana?
Renee, I don't look at it that way.
Tonight is just another match. And I put 110% effort in all my games.
This is the most important match of the season, because it's the next match on the season.
I just have to go out there and make plays. Go out there and play CM PUP Fantasy Football.
John Seana is a good opponent, and he's proven himself as a strong manager.
But I know that I'm better than he is.
Now I just have to prove it.
WCC Semi-Finals Playoff Match
(2) CM PUP (8-5) vs. (5) Seadderall Seahawks (8-5)

The crowd erupts as John Seana makes his way out to the ring.

CM PUP makes his way out next and the fans are on their feet!

The following contest is the Semi-Finals of the WCC Playoffs and the winner goes to the FINAL ROUND of FantasyMania!
Introducing first, he is the 6th seed, with a regular season record of 8-5 and a FantasyMania record of 1 win and 3 losses.... coming from San Francisco, California.... JOHN SEANA!
*Crowd Cheers*
And his opponent... with a regular season record of 8-5. He has a FantasyMania record of 1 win and 3 losses... CM PUP!
*Crowd Cheers*
John Seana and CM PUP get settled in and this match is underway!
Seana counters PUP into an STF!
But PUP counters back into an Anaconda Vice!
But back into another STF!
CM PUP counters into a pin! 1-2... Seana kicks out!
Seana signaling for the Five Knuckle Shuffle now!
But PUP kicks Seana!
Going for the GTS now! But Seana works his way out.
Knee to face to Seana!
Seana going for the AA!
PUP counters into a GTS!
But Seana gets out and hits a powerbomb on PUP!
1-2... PUP kicks out!
AA to PUP! This could be it!

1-2... Kickout!

Seana can't believe it!
Piledriver to Seana!
Seana answers back with a Hurricurana!
Wait a minute! Crock Bottom by CM PUP!
1-2... Seana Kicks out!

CM PUP can't believe it!
Wait a minute! It's The Shield up in the balcony. What are they doing here?
Attitude Adjustment by Seana!
1-2-... PUP kicks out again!

Both Superstars down now...
Wait a minute! Wait a minute!
That's Brock Lesnar's music!
W-w-what's going on!
And there's Brock Lesnar with Paul Heyman!
CM PUP looks on as Heyman and Lesnar make their way down to the ring.
Here comes Brock Lesnar!
Yeah, but who's side is he on?!
What are you talking about!
CM PUP faces Lesnar as Seana gets back onto his feet.
Wait a minute! F-5 to Seana! F-5 to Seana!
*Crowd Boos*
CM PUP is confused, but covers Seana.

CM PUP pins 1-2-3!
Winner via Pinfall and advancing to the WCC FINALS: CM PUP
*Crowd Boos*
Lesnar and Heyman leave.
CM PUP celebrates to a chorus of boos.
Dealmus Interview
Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the Number 1 Seed, Dealmus!
Dealmus, playing in place of Single H tonight, you have huge expectations.
As the Number 1 Seed and best record of the regular season, many fans are saying that you're the favorite to beat Dolph Riggler tonight. How do you feel about that?
Well fella, I tell ya what... I'm not looking to fill Single H's shoes.
I'm trying to establish my own legacy in this league.
Yes, Single H is a proven winner at FantasyMania... But I know I have what it takes to be Champion.
I've beaten Dolph Riggler before. The bright lights, the big stage, it doesn't matter.
I'm here to win it all. And it starts tonight, fella.
Dolph Riggler Interview
Dolph, despite beating Chuckanut last week and holding the WCC Championship, you are the underdog tonight. How does it feel?
It doesn't surprise me, Josh. I've been doubted my entire life.
But I keep proving people wrong, one person at a time.
Just like I proved to you last week, when I choked you out, Josh.
And tonight, I prove Dealmus wrong.
I will go to the WCC Finals, and I'm gonna win it all.
Rookie of the Year, The Show Off!
Dolph Riggler!
Backstage Segment
Single H runs into CM PUP backstage.
[Single H]
What the hell was that out there, PUP?!
What the hell was that out there, PUP?!
You are working with The Heyman Regime?
I don't know what you're talking about...
I don't know what you're talking about...
I seized the opportunity.
Only Paul Heyman knows why he attacked John Seana.
Seana was down and I pinned him.
That's not my fault.
But what kind of way is that to talk to one of your Superstars, Mr. COO?
No congratulations? Of course not.
You like the rest of the braintrust here in the WCC don't want me to win.
It hurts doesn't it?
That I'm going to the Finals?
That I ended your Fantasy career?
That I'm going to walk out with the WCC Championship?
Well Mr. H, why don't you go do something about it?
Why not dust off the keyboard and stop me yourself.
Or do you have to ask for permission first?
WCC Semi-Final WCC Championship Match
(1) What's Your Deal? (9-4) vs. (6) Rock's Rad Team (C) (8-5)
And now it's time for our main event!
The WCC Championship Match!
Dealmus vs. Dolph Riggler!
The Number 1 Seed makes his way out as the crowd cheers him on.
And here is the Champion, Dolph Riggler!
*Crowd Boos*
Dolph Riggler talks with Vickie Guerrero to talk about last minute strategy.
The following contest is a Semi-Final WCC Playoff Game and the winner goes to the FINAL ROUND of FantasyMania! And it is for the WCC Championship!
*Crowd Cheers*
Introducing first, he is the Number 1 Seed with a regular season record of 9-4! He has FantasyMania Record of 8 wins 1 loss.... making his way from Seattle, Washington..... DEALMUS!
*Crowd Cheers*
And his opponent.... he is the current WCC Champion...
With a regular season record of 8-5. And a FantasyMania Record of 1 win 0 losses... from San Francisco, California... DOLPH RIGGLER!
*Crowd Boos*
The bell rings and this Championship match is underway!
Dealmus takes control early and drops Riggler!
Huge knee to the face of Riggler!
Dealmus throws Riggler out of the ring!
And The Champion is in trouble early.
Riggler hitting back now.
HUGE DDT by Riggler!
What a maneuver by Riggler!
But a Brogue Kick by Dealmus! The Champion is down!
Dealmus goes for the pin, but AJ pulls his leg!
Dealmus is distracted and Riggler hits a Fameasser from behind!
Dolph pins 1-2-3!
Winner via Pinfall and STILL WCC Champion: Dolph Riggler
Dolph has done it! He's beaten Dealmus!
What an upset by the Champion!
He's going to FantasyMania!
The first Rookie in WCC History!
Dolph Riggler continues to celebrate his victory!
CM PUP's music hits
Wait a second, King...
What's this?
The camera pans to the entrance way, but CM PUP is no where to be found.
Wait a minute! It's The Shield from behind!
*Crowd Boos*
And here comes CM PUP along with Paul Heyman!
Wait a minute! Has CM PUP joined The Heyman Regime?!
Is CM PUP aligned with Heyman??
Triple Powerbomb to Dolph!
And now Heyman and PUP take Dolph's Championship belt.
It appears as if CM PUP has aligned himself with The Heyman Regime!
CM PUP is leaving with Dolph's Championship!
Dolph. It's been a long time coming...
But in 1 week, the WCC Championship returns back to its rightful owner...
See you Sunday, "Champ".
CM PUP holds up the WCC Championship.
*Crowd Boos*
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