The FantasyMania Pyros explode as Michael Cole welcomes us to MetLife Stadium, home of the Superbowl XLVII.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is it!
The culmination of the 2013 WCC Fantasy Football Season!
Tonight, we will crown a 2013 League Champion!
Who will it be? Dolph Riggler or CM PUP?
Well that's not the only storyline we have tonight. Let's not forget that CM PUP's WCC Contract expires at midnight tonight. Will PUP walk out with the WCC Champion? Or will Dolph Riggler stop him?
There's definitely high drama and tension in the air tonight.
These two are the league's very best. They will square off tonight to determine who the Champion of the 2013 Season.
(2) CM PUP (8-5)
(6) Rock's Rad Team (8-5)
Only one man will walk away from MetLife Stadium as League Champion.
Let's now take a look at the events that took us to this point in the season...
I fooled you all.
Each and every single one of you.
You didn't think that this was my plan all along?
I am the leader of the Heyman Regime.
Since day one, this was the plan all along!
Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Heyman with that steel ladder on PUP!
Paul Heyman has turned his back on CM PUP!
Allow me to introduce to you, my newest client... Nyback!
Nyback will lead the future generation of WCC Superstars.
He will become the 2013 League Champion... and he will lead The Heyman Regime.
Wait a minute! It's The Shield attacking CM PUP!
The Heyman Regime taking CM PUP apart.
CM PUP... you will never win the WCC Championship without my help.
You are the son that I never wanted to have!
Shellshock to PUP!
The Heyman Regime cannot be stopped!
CM PUP... as long as I am League Commissioner, you will NEVER been WCC Champion again!
In four weeks, I am leaving with the WCC Championship.
I'm not your partner John. I'm not your friend.
As a matter of fact, I hope you lose this Sunday at FantasyMania so that I can be the one to stop The Heyman Regime.
Somebodies got to stop The Heyman Regime!
The Shield with a Powerbomb to The Underchucker!
Down goes Santa Clara Gold Diggers!
The Heyman Regime is the greatest entity this League has ever seen!
You are looking at the future League Champion!
And so it's gonna be John Seana vs. Nyback in the first round of the WCC Playoffs!
Here comes The Shield! It's 3 on 1 against John Seana!
Wait a minute! It's CM PUP!
CM PUP just saved John Seana!
John Seana has beaten Nyback! With the assist from CM PUP!
It's gonna be CM PUP vs. John Seana here in the second round of the WCC Playoffs!
Attitude Adjustment by Seana!
These two Superstars have given everything they've got.
Every inch. Every single point.
They have reached their breaking point.
Which Superstar will survive this war?
Wait a minute! That's... that's... Brock Lesnar!
And Here Comes the Pain, Michael.
CM PUP and Lesnar facing off. This has to be Heyman's plan to stop CM PUP!
Wait a second! F-5! F-5 to Seana!
And CM PUP is going to the Final Round of FantasyMania!
I had nothing to do with that.
Paul Heyman acted on his own.
I just took the opportunity that was presented to me.
And look at this young rookie, Dolph Riggler entering his first match in the WCC.
I'm out here to show the world.
To prove to everybody, that I can not only hang in this season, but I can win it all.
My name is Dolph Riggler, and I'm gonna take this league by a storm.
Rig Rag by Riggler!
And Dolph wins!
Dolph wins!
I prove it week in and week out.
I'm the Showoff!
They laughed at me during the draft.
They said Colin Kaepernick was a terrible pick that early.
They gave me no chance.
But now here I am.
Standing before you... WCC Champion!
I do things my way.
I'm best Fantasy Superstar this league has ever seen!
Rookie of the Year!
WCC Champion!
I'm the complete package.
You name it, I got it!
I'm tired of the lack of respect.
I have earned my spot in this league.
But still, I'm underappreciated.
Still, I'm underrated.
And still, I'm the underdog.
I am the WCC Champion... and I am the Champion for a reason!
I'm going to walk into FantasyMania as Champion, and I'm gonna walk out as Champion.
Dolph Riggler will go head to head against Chuckanut here in the first round.
His very first WCC Playoff game.
To be honest with you, I don't think he has much of a chance, Michael.
He may be Champion, but Chuckanut has experience.
Riggler does it! He's beaten Chuckannut to advance to the next round!
And a huge DDT by Riggler!
He's done it! He's done it!
Dolph Riggler is going to the Final Round of FantasyMania!
The first rookie in WCC History!
[Booker T]
Wow! Oh my goodness! Dolph Riggler may just very well be the hottest WCC Superstar in the league today.
Wait a minute! It's The Shield ambushing The Champion, Dolph Riggler!
But wait! Here comes CM PUP accompanied by Paul Heyman!
And CM PUP has stolen Dolph Riggler's title!
Damnit King! CM PUP has aligned himself with The Heyman Regime!
CM PUP is taunting the Champion, Dolph Riggler, with just one week away from their Championship game.
I fooled the world last night.
I showed everyone just how stupid and gullible you really are...
I don't know if anyone has noticed... but I'm kind of a Paul Heyman Guy.
And now it's The Shield versus Nyback, Seana and Dealmus.
It's 3 on 1. The Shield dismantling Nyback.
But wait a minute! Here comes The Champion, Dolph Riggler!
He's not supposed to be here! Someone get him out of here!
Riggler taking out The Shield one by one!
Rig Rag to CM PUP!
And Dolph Riggler has taken his title back!
[Dolph Riggler]
I've beaten The Heyman Regime before, and this Sunday, I'm gonna do it again.
This Sunday, I am leaving the West Coast Cousins with the WCC Championship...
Mr. McMahon Interview
The video package ends and we now cut to Matt Striker who is standing with Mr. McMahon.
Mr. McMahon, tonight is without a doubt one of the biggest moments in WCC History.
We are moments away from crowning a new League Champion.
How do you feel about CM PUP potentially walking out with the WCC Championship?
[Mr. McMahon]
Well it's a little concerning that we've come to this point.
As we speak, CM PUP has not resigned a new deal with West Coast Cousins and will effectively become a free agent at 12:00 Midnight tonight.
So as of this moment, Dolph Riggler is now the WCC's last chance at avoiding catastrophic embarrassment to the league.
John Laurinaitis, the League Commissioner has failed.
John Seana has failed.
And now it is time for me to step in.
Tonight, Dolph Riggler must win... by any means necessary.
Strong words from our Chairman, Mr. McMahon.
Ladies and gentlemen, sit tight because this is it.
We're gonna hear from The Champion, Dolph Riggler and then a few words from CM PUP... and then it's go time. The finale of the 2013 Season here in West Coast Cousins.
Dolph Riggler Interview
Standing here with me, the Champion, Dolph Riggler!
*Crowd Cheers*
This is it for you, Dolph. The biggest match of your career.
The stakes have never been higher.
Tonight you face CM PUP.
How are you feeling?
Renee, I feel great.
To play Fantasy Football at this stage, you can't ask for anything more.
Here in MetLife Stadium, in front of all these screaming fans...
I know the entire locker room, the board of directors, everyone involved in this league is counting on me. They're counting on me to stop CM PUP.
Let's give CM PUP a little credit, week in and week out, he seemed to always have the highest points. He easily had the highest points total of the regular season. But right now, in the final weeks of the 2013 Season, there has been no one hotter than me!
Renee, I am more focused than I've ever been in my entire life.
This match. This night.
It means everything to me.
I know I have the support of Mr. McMahon, but tonight I'm gonna win by being the better Superstar.
By putting up more Fantasy points than CM PUP.
My very first match in the WCC was against CM PUP, and I won.
I've beaten The Heyman Regime before.
I've held onto this title for four straight weeks now and I have no intention of losing it now.
I'm going to show the world that I am the best.
You're looking at the 2013 League Champion!
CM PUP Interview
CM PUP, you have the entire WCC buzzing about your actions last week.
Tonight you have the possibility of walking....
Whoa.. whoa... Josh, let me stop you right there.
I have the possibility of walking out of this league with the title?
No. Tonight I am walking out with the title.
I have worked too hard to let this opportunity slip.
For two straight seasons, I have been the best Superstar in this league.
Dolph Riggler, some rookie that isn't even a family member holds the most prestigious award in this business. The WCC Championship.
My WCC Championship.
Tonight I officially take that title from him.
It's no secret. I'm public enemy number one.
Nobody wants to see me win this League Championship.
Hell, nobody wants to see a San Francisco League Champion...
But people don't always get what they want...
Tonight, true football knowledge prevails.
Tonight, my destiny is fulfilled.
I will walk out of MetLife Stadium, WCC Champion.
And you know why?
Because I'm the Best in the League.
We cut back to Michael Cole and JBL.
Here we go Michael.
The main event of the season!
Let's crown a League Champion!

WCC Final Round
2013 League Championship Match
(2) CM PUP (8-5) vs. (6) Rock's Rad Team (C) (8-5)
CM PUP is heavily booed as he makes his way out with Paul Heyman.
He may be the most technical Superstar in the League.
He's made all the right moves, drafted all the right players.
Can he finish the deal tonight?
Can CM PUP solidify his spot in the WCC?
CM PUP poses on the top rope, yelling at fans at ringside.
Dolph Riggler's music hits and out comes the Champion.

Here's the Champion!
The last hope for the WCC.
Can he stop CM PUP?
You can see the focus in his eyes. He may be a rookie, but the pressure does not phase this kid, Michael.
*Crowd Cheers*

The following contest is set for one fall.
And it is for the 2013 WCC League Championship!
*Crowd Cheers*
Introducing first, he is the challenger with a regular season record of 8-5. He has a FantasyMania record of 2 wins 3 losses. Making his way from San Francisco, California....
*Crowd Boos*
And his opponent... he is the reigning, defending WCC Champion.... Holding a regular season record of 8-5 and FantasyMania record of 2 wins and no losses... From San Francisco, California...
*Crowd Cheers*
Here we go John, history is about to be made!

Riggler and PUP wrap up.
Clothesline by PUP and he goes for the pin, using the ropes for leverage.
But the ref sees it and argues with CM PUP.
And a HUGE Drop Kick by Riggler!
PUP now going for a GTS but what a reversal by Dolph!
1-2... PUP kicks out!
CM PUP drops the Champion with a huge kick to the head.
What a spinning powerbomb by CM PUP!
High risk maneuver by PUP!
PUP signaling for the Go To Sleep!
But Dolph counters!

And pins 1..2... PUP kicks out at 2!
Wait a minute, here comes Mr. McMahon, John Laurinaitis, Single H and Stephaneah McMahon!
Riggler takes it to PUP now as Mr. McMahon watches at ringside.
Counter by PUP! And he goes for the GTS!
CM PUP nails it!
CM PUP goes for the pin, but John Laurinaitis interrupts the count!
CM PUP is distracted by Commissioner Laurinaitis and Dolph Riggler with a Rig Rag from behind!
1-2.... PUP kicks out again!
And CM PUP locks in an Anaconda Vice, but the referee is distracted by Laurinaitis!
Dolph Riggler is tapping!
Once again CM PUP taken down by Dolph Riggler with help from Laurinaitis!
Famasser by Riggler!

Wait a minute, look at this! You've got to be kidding me!
Dolph Riggler is gonna try and beat CM PUP with Anaconda Vice!

[Single H]
Ring the bell. RING THE BELL!

The referee calls for the bell. This match is over!
Mr. McMahon rings the bell.
Winner via Submission and the NEW 2013 League Champion: Rock's Rad Team
*Crowd Boos*

Wh...what happened?
Did CM PUP tap?
I don't think I saw him tap.
I didn't see it either, King
I'm not sure what's going on.
The MetLife Stadium is amassed by the sound of boos.
CM PUP gave up on the Anaconda Vice?
What happened? Did Mr. McMahon and The Authority just screw CM PUP?
Of course they did! They're not gonna let CM PUP walk out the with the title.

Dolph Riggler looks frustrated with the outcome.

CM PUP comes to the realization of what just happened.
Mr. McMahon grabs the WCC Championship and hands it to Dolph Riggler as the New Jersey crowd boos.
Dolph Riggler grabs the WCC Championship and runs around the ring celebrating his victory.
*Crowd Boos*
This is such a blatant screw job. The MetLife Stadium Screwjob! This makes me sick!
Dolph Riggler celebrates in the crowd.
Paul Heyman can't believe it. The Heyman Regime has been trumped again.
CM PUP exchanges words with Mr. McMahon as the two argue.
Mr. McMahon just screwed CM PUP!
And now Dolph Riggler holds up the WCC Championship accompanied by The Authority!
A new league Champion has been crowned. Dolph Riggler is the 2013 League Champion.
But it doesn't come without controversy.
This will no doubt be a major talking point heading into next season.
Dolph Riggler has sided with The Authority to stop CM PUP from walking out with the WCC Championship!
Ladies and gentlemen, it has been an incredible season. Thank you for watching and we'll see you next year for the 2014 West Coast Cousins Fantasy Football League!
I'm Michael Cole alongside JBL and Jerry "The King" Lawler and this has been the 2013 Season.
Good night.
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